Republican proposes to Biden an alternative economic reactivation plan in USA – 01/31/2021

Republican proposes to Biden an alternative economic reactivation plan in USA – 01/31/2021

Washington, January 31, 2021 (AFP) – Ten Republican senators announced on Sunday that they had proposed an alternative economic aid plan to President Democrat Joe Biden for his massive $ 1.9 trillion package, arguing that his A census can be had between consent. Two parties in Congress.

Although the new administration wants the country to vote on its bill as soon as possible to bail out the economic crisis created by the Kovid-19 epidemic, Republicans are fiercely opposing the figure they consider too high and which deepens the debt Will incur budget deficit from United States.

“I joined a group of 10 Republican senators to write to President Biden for the purpose of proposing an alternative emergency rescue bill,” Sen. Cole Susan, a former Maine congressman, said on Twitter.

Collins said he asked for a meeting with the president to address the text in detail.

According to the signatories, the details of the alternative plan will be released on Monday.

In a letter sent to the government, signed by others, by the influential Mitt Romney, a pre-nominee for the White House, and by Senator Rob Portman (Ohio), Republicans state that “billions of dollars of previous aid schemes didn’t use Kovid had gone “.

One of the signatories, Bill Cassidy, informed Fox News on Sunday that the counterproposal would reach $ 600 billion, less than a third of the current project.

So this would be a very low chance of being accepted by Democrats, who have been asking for more help for months.

– Immediate action – “We received the letter and will investigate it during the day,” White House economic adviser Brian Desse told CNN news channel.

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According to him, the president is “open to ideas”, but his priority is to approve the plan as soon as possible given the economic emergency created by the epidemic.

Democrats believe that the poorest and most exposed can expect to receive aid.

“We had the worst year in the economy” since the end of World War II, he said, with 30 million Americans starving.

Economists also unanimously highlight the fact that it is necessary to implement a new plan.

Deese declared that the “provisions” of the President’s plan had been “calibrated” to address the current economic crisis.

The crisis caused US GDP to drop 3.5% compared to 2019, the worst recession since 1946. This has particularly led to social inequalities.

– First Emergency – Biden presented a rescue plan of $ 1.9 trillion to reactivate the US economy in early January. He then assured that in early February he intended to obtain Congressional approval.

This initiative should first respond to social emergency rather than investment plans to promote economic growth.

Its plan included new checks for families, expanding rights for the unemployed and reopening funds for schools and states, allowing schools to conduct more and more tests for Kovid-19 and more for vaccines and most needy citizens More help included.

In addition to considering the total amount of the bill too high, Republicans want a separate vote on the proposal to double the national minimum wage, currently $ 7.25 per hour, a provision included in Biden’s plan.

In March 2020, Congress immediately voted on a $ 2.1 trillion aid plan to offset the economic impact of the epidemic.

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Then, despite the end of emergency aid, a new $ 900 billion plan to vote required waiting until the last days of December.

In opposition to Republican austerity, the Biden government indicated this week that it could use a legislative tool that would allow the text to be approved by a simple majority.

Democrats hold a majority in both houses, but have a very tight advantage in the Senate.

“We must take action now and the benefit of immediate strong action will offset the costs of long-term inaction,” the new Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told reporters at the White House on Friday.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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