Samsung Galaxy S21 (4000mAh): Live Batteries | Fine ore 23.10

Samsung Galaxy S21 (4000mAh): Live Batteries |  Fine ore 23.10

Live ended! Thanks for joining us.

25/1/2021 – 23.19

The day went well, I used practically all departments of smartphones and many common applications including social, streaming, video, services and various chats. I exchanged more than 1 GB of data in 4G with 70% usage. All photos were taken by phone but I have not shot any video.

25/1/2021 – 23.15
Here are the final figures

25/1/2021 – 22.32
It’s not over yet …

25/1/2021 – 21.34
New update – here are the stats, probably the latest.

25/1/2021 – 20.58
The strength of this sandwich and beer is powerful 🙂

25/1/2021 – 20.28
Here are 32 minutes of uber that they eat

25/1/2021 – 20.26
After the aperitif, something more serious but commercial

25/1/2021 – 20.23
He’s there

25/1/2021 – 19.49
Finally !!

25/1/2021 – 19.38
I’m choosing dinner over uber food!

25/1/2021 – 18.40
Update a little late.

25/1/2021 – 18.27

25/1/2021 – 18.22
We get off the scooter

25/1/2021 – 18.07
I’m leaving soon

25/1/2021 – 18.01
There is also a diverse section on the office shelf … putty for wood and razors …

25/1/2021 – 16.31
New update – still very much and always used in 4G with YouTube. This is about 1GB of data downloaded in a day.

25/1/2021 – 16.20
This is how I customized my Samsung keyboard 🙂

25/1/2021 – 16.19
Then I recommend GoodLock and keyboard customization to everyone.

25/1/2021 – 16.01
New meeting, this time with z fold2

25/1/2021 – 15.43
We are living on instagram hdblog 🙂

25/1/2021 – 15.31
New update – Netflix and Instagram used a lot and many notifications were managed with groups working on Telegram.

25/1/2021 – 14.45
Smartworking meeting moment

25/1/2021 – 14.38
Cultural moment on Netflix Ahaha. I randomly took a film, so as not to review things already seen.

25/1/2021 – 14.33
New update – Lunch break with some Facebook videos and gaming. Made two short calls and some photos.

25/1/2021 – 14.08
I had a strange passenger on the train yesterday. Very strong!

25/1/2021 – 13.38
Enjoy your food!

25/1/2021 – 13.30
New update – 10 minutes about gameplay, social media and various tweaks

25/1/2021 – 13.25
Eat at the end !!!

25/1/2021 – 13.20
Someone asked, I use a spongy cover, I’ve been using them on many devices for years and they are the best value for money in my opinion.

25/1/2021 – 13.04
The Elena double test is in progress. Do you recognize headphones and see?

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25/1/2021 – 12.46
Evviva Xbox Game Pass !!!

25/1/2021 – 12.39
And now we play!

25/1/2021 – 12.33

new update – A little less used in this hour with mail, telegram and social media management. I used Wi-Fi in the previous one. It will start a sports session soon.

25/1/2021 – 11.57
A little behind the scenes … Louisa does not part with her graphics tablet.

25/1/2021 – 11.33

new update – Always make extensive use of the entire smartphone with photo, social and mixed use. In this hour he has consumed a lot of music and Youtube. I remember that I only used 4G at this last moment. Now I will spend a little under Wi-Fi network with less mass usage (50% of usage time is on screen and with active).

25/1/2021 – 11.14
Spoilers are coming soon. Meanwhile, I watch it on s21

25/1/2021 – 11.05
Between the various tests done over the course of the months, I point out that Live Buds has improved a lot with the latest updates and is for those who don’t like Inner, now an excellent choice around the 100e.

25/1/2021 – 10.43
Now some music

25/1/2021 – 10.33
Here is the update !! Social, mail and maps kinda random mixed use.

25/1/2021 – 10.23

25/1/2021 – 10.08
Ready and closed maps for office

25/1/2021 – 10.07
Ready to go

25/1/2021 – 10.01
And here is the miracle of makeup and ahaha

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25/1/2021 – 09.52
To fix the situation … let’s take a look at makeup and wigs in the meantime and without portraits

25/1/2021 – 09.33

first hour – Update a dozen applications between the Play Store and the Galaxy Store, about 10 minutes of calls, up to about 20 minutes with the Samsung Internet browser, took 8 photos, managed a few emails and telegrams for a total of about 80 notifications.

25/1/2021 – 09.16
Top day in Milan … but I think it will be cold …

25/1/2021 – 08.56
Flight stations around today. I will soon leave this room for office.

25/1/2021 – 08.46
These are the default settings present in various drum sounds.

25/1/2021 – 08.37
Let’s start with some caffeine

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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