School creates controversy by touching ‘out of politeness’ photos of 80 students in the United States

School creates controversy by touching ‘out of politeness’ photos of 80 students in the United States

Credit, Personal collection

Picture Introduction,

Riley is one of the students whose picture has been changed

In an annual book of 80 students at a school in Florida, she is being criticized for turning up photos of her breasts and shoulders covered. No picture of a male student has been changed – whether they appear shirtless or just in swim trunks.

Some photographs of the students were digitally corrected, with clothes “enlarged” to cover parts of the body that were on display. Some of the edits were done so poorly that they also made jokes that also turned into mimes.

School officials told local media that changes were made to ensure that the photos matched the dress code, which says the girls’ shirts should be “unholy”.

But photographs of the male student have not been edited despite violating the same standards.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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