Shock, “it will fall apart with you” WhatsApp will cut its services from 50 Android and iPhone devices early next week

Shock, “it will fall apart with you” WhatsApp will cut its services from 50 Android and iPhone devices early next week

WhatsApp It is social media that has played a leading role in all social media sites; Since it is the first application used by about 2 billion users around the world, it has received positive comments through the Google Play Store, and all users want to be sure that the program is available on Android or iPhone, and via WhatsApp Get updated recently. has warned that many devices are not supported in the coming days.

As a result of updates made by Facebook, which is the official owner of the WhatsApp application, features may be dependent on older phone devices that are not compatible with modern technology in sending and receiving data, and it is possible to update the phone system. If it’s available, that makes it continue to work.

WhatsApp disconnects its services from devices

The reason behind the disconnection of services from multiple devices is updates and technology that require certain capabilities to work, and WhatsApp is characterized by the speed and ease of sending emails, in addition to maintaining the quality of images and documents. are sent to protect them. Clarity.

The first date is set for next November, with a few days left for WhatsApp to shut down the services on a slew of devices, from the iPhone S6 to fifty.

new whatsapp depends on these phones

This is scheduled to stop working between WhatsApp and phones that have a version of the Android operating system version number “4.0.4”, and the iPhone version that depends on it has an iOS version number of 10 or lower. , whether it’s from Android or iOS, so if your WhatsApp’s important and you own a copy of these, you’ll have to replace it with a new one.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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