Sino-USA clash rehearsed in cinema – 03/26/2021 – Nelson de Saa

Sino-USA clash rehearsed in cinema – 03/26/2021 – Nelson de Saa

On-camera skirmishes between two chief Chinese diplomats and two of their US allies in Alaska a week ago, the Joe Biden government’s first contact with “wolf warrior” diplomacy.

It was described as Washington Post On Bloomberg And japanese Nikki.

Expression is becoming commonplace to illustrate the growing assertiveness of Chinese messengers around the world.

An example is the ambassador himself in Brazil, Yang Wanming, Federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, in his social media responses to the president’s son.

In Alaska, the demonstration that marked the meeting was said after the first intervention by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, North, a member of the Politburo and former ambassador in Washington, that the United States could no longer treat China From a position of strength – or superiority.

Nicknamed “Wolf Warrior” the 2017 film, “Lobo Guerrero 2”, directed and directed by Wu Jing, is the second production of a franchise, imitating Rambo, which debuted in 1982. , Sylvester Stallone’s films represented former US President Ronald Reagan.

In Brazil, the film is available on the American stage Amazon prime video, In Mandarin and some English, with Portuguese subtitles.

The term began to be used two years ago for Chinese diplomacy, beginning with the exchange of messages about racism in America. Zhao Lijian, Then the embassy in Pakistan and via Twitter former security adviser to the United Nations and former ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice.

Zhao was later promoted as a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry and was at the forefront of responding to the “Chinese virus”.

At that first moment, in mid-2019, the commercial and patriotic influence of “Lobo Guerrero 2” became apparent, becoming the biggest box office in history for non-English production.

It was the BBC’s Mandarin Service and the Global Times or Huanyu, a nationalist tabloid edited by Hu Jijin, which was then adopted for diplomacy.

Like John Rambo, the main character, Leng Feng, is a former soldier, now working on the coast of Africa, half lost. He begins the film in a spectacular action scene, flying underwater martial arts, with a crew of a huge actioner shielding him from pirate attacks.

Unlike Stallone, Wu is not volatile muscular, but his character is no less deadly. On the other hand, over the course of two hours, he supports and protects young black people, many of them his friends, including a teenager who almost cares for him as a father.

The villain is the one who makes Rembo physically more dispatched. She is an American mercenary actor, Big Daddy, played by actor Frank Grillo. He is known as the antagonist of Captain America or actor Liam Neeson, but has made his first hero debut for good in the film “Boss Level – The Last Level” against a good Mel Gibson.

Like Rambo, Leng has dramatic features, traumatized by the battles of the past, and is a “lone wolf”, almost rebellious of the hierarchy, in contrast to a protagonist from the People’s Liberation Army. In a beautiful doctor played by Chinese-American Celina Jade, there is no shortage of romantic interest for the protagonist.

But “Lobo Guerrero 2” is one of several lengthy action sequences, in which Wu and Grillo are opposed, ranging from physical fighting to drone strikes and tank battles.

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The confrontation between them continues until the end and some dialogues show that the exploited Africans and Chinese soldiers on behalf of the United Nations – and who does not care about them, are American.

In English, Big Daddy says, “People like you will always be despicable for people like me, it’s a habit”. But by the time he kills her, Peng attacks her 11 times. Then he says in his ear, in Mandarin, “You became history”.

Reportedly, it is not far from what Antoine Blinken and Yang Jiechi staged in the Alaskan cold.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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