SP Agribusiness Balance Surplus grew 41% to US$3.90 billion in Q1

SP Agribusiness Balance Surplus grew 41% to US.90 billion in Q1

So Paulo, 10 – So Paulo recorded a surplus of US$3.90 billion in the trade balance of agribusiness in the first quarter of 2022, corresponding to an increase of 40.8% compared to the same period last year (US$2, 77 billion) ) This survey is from the Institute of Agricultural Economics (IEA) of the state agriculture and supplies secretary.

So Paulo’s agribusiness exports totaled US$5.15 billion in the period, while imports reached US$1.25 billion. Taking all sectors into account, the study showed that from January to March this year, agribusiness was responsible for 35.9% of total So Paulo exports and 7.1% of imports.

According to the survey, five main clusters were responsible for 77.8% of the total exports exported by this sector in So Paulo: the sugar and wine complex (US$1.37 billion), the meat sector (US$811.13 million), the soy complex (US$811.13 million), and the soy complex (US$1.37 billion). $803.25 million), forest products (US$613.99 million) and juice (US$406.91 million). In sixth place, the Traditional Coffee Group in So Paulo exports presented sales of US$278.51 million.

Compared to the first three months of 2021, there was an increase in the export values ​​of forest products (80.0%), coffee (62.3%), meat (59.9%), soy complex (59.1%) and juice (9.8%). , However, there was a slight decline (-0.7%) in sugar and alcohol complexes.

The main buyers of agribusiness products from So Paulo were: China (US$1.55 billion), the European Union (US$737.64 million) and the United States (US$466.74 million).

For So Paulo imports, salmon (US$100.86 million), pepper (US$80.09 million), wheat (US$79.23 million) and palm and dando oil (US$66.78 million) led the way. millions).

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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