Starlink can hack the internet from the user who shoots the film

Starlink can hack the internet from the user who shoots the film

Piracy It is a crime and Satellites Starlink, da SpaceX, They know that a Reddit user tried to download illegally to see what would happen. Soon he got the message of shutting down the Internet service insisting on downloading pirated content.

Under the name “Substrate-97”, user Sam Posted a screenshot of the message That received. He wrote, “I was downloading from Torrent without using a VPN to see what would happen and I finally got the warning.”


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Hey Gush Is a file sharing application, but it is widely used for illegal downloads, primarily for audio-visual content. VPN It works by encrypting Internet traffic while protecting users’ privacy.

Screenshot with Starlink message. Image: Reddit / Reproduction

The Starlink message highlighted copyright infringement. “We received an attached notice from the content owner claiming that his Starlink was intended to use the Internet service download Copyrighted material if right to do so ”notification begins.

The Internet service also states that if the user feels that there is an error on the part of the copyright owner, contact the owner. Next, Starlink states that downloading files protected by these rights is a violation of the policy of using the service.

“We insist that you and / or other users of the StarLink service avoid illegal downloading of copyrighted material. Downloading copyright-protected material without a license may result in suspension or termination of your service and you must be the owner of the content. Could lead to legal action, ”adds the message.

According to the website Futurism, The Starlink Internet service violates the copyright, trademark, property and other intellectual property rights of SpaceX or third parties “as a violation of the Terms of Use”.

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Last Tuesday (4), SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket carrying more than 60 satellites. CONSTELLATION Starlink, which will provide global broadband Internet access. There are 1,560 satellites in orbit right now.

According to Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, more than half a million users have signed up to get this service. Starlink hopes to offer coverage in Brazil “at the end of 2021”.

Via: Futurism

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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