Student riots in France bhanadiam police car to show the violent lockout | World | News

Student riots in France bhanadiam police car to show the violent lockout |  World |  News

The local police and the town’s mayor said the students clashed with police on Monday over health risks posed by the school’s reopening during the novel coronavirus crisis. The local police department said on Twitter that four arrests had been made, one fireman had suffered minor injuries and there were “unacceptable” incidents of criminal damage during the clashes. Videos on social media showed a group of young men around a police car outside the Lizzie Marielle Granite School and trying to overturn it, while other videos showed a fire burning in the street.

Campagene Mayor Philip Marini also confirmed to BFM TV that trouble had occurred, and condemned the attacks on police officers.

Student protests have begun in France over the past week, with some teachers and students protesting against the school’s reopening – while the rest of France is under lockdown. 19 Their health is at risk due to the risk of being caught. School premises.

Last week, riot police sprayed pepper spray on students and blocked a Paris high school in protest of COID-19’s inadequate measures.

Teachers’ unions will mark a day of nationwide protests and strikes on Tuesday.

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The protest came after dozens of students used wheel buns, metal grills and supermarket trolleys to block access to Lizzie Colbert’s entrance in central Paris in the morning.

The students also hung a banner on “Strike” from a floor window.

Some students threw colored liquids and glass projections when riot officials went inside, using pepper spray and their ields to push the students back.

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Jean, a student at Lizzie Colbert’s, said: “Our class is perfect, the students are sitting together.

This is when France’s new COID-19 infections dropped sharply in 24 hours on Monday, as they always do at the beginning of the week, but have risen sharply again with deaths and hospitalizations. .

And while the country’s director of health acknowledged that the major French cities under curfew in mid-October were showing little effect of the disease, he insisted that the coronavirus epidemic was still at its peak.

“We are at a critical juncture, as France has already been in its second national lockout for more than 10 days to control the virus,” Jerome Solomon told a news conference.

Solomon received 20,155 new COID-19 infections daily, falling sharply from Saturday’s record of 86,852 and Sunday’s record of 38,619.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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