Subsidies with suggestions for religious songs

Subsidies with suggestions for religious songs

The liturgical music sector of the Episcopal Pastoral Commission of the Liturgy of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) provides subsidies with suggestions for liturgical songs for the consecration of Pentecost, which will be celebrated on 5 June.

The material places each song in a moment of celebration, highlighting their relationship to religious texts and the event of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the first Christians.

“The song suggestions we present here, guided by the general instruction of the Roman Missal, are taken as parameters for the presentation of entrance antiphons, offerings and banquets, all ordinal and derived from the Roman Missal, which may be used. Maybe Vespers Celebration and Pentecost Day”, explains Brother Fernando Benedito Vieira, CNBB’s liturgical music sector advisor.

He also states that“There is a huge difference between religious songs, group animation songs, catechical songs and religious songs”. In singing the Liturgy, he emphasized, “You don’t improvise, you don’t sing anywhere. It is essential to understand well what participation in the Liturgy means and that there are different types of chants in the Liturgy: this Singing is characterized by the well-known mysteries of the Liturgy and by the location and function of singing throughout the festive ceremony.”

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Pentecost Sunday

look and day month
Songs from the CNBB Liturgical Hymnal based on Graduel and Roman Missal and others

Present in the Holy Scriptures, Pentecost is the Feast of the First Christians, inherited from the celebratory heritage of the people of Israel. Fifty days after the resurrection, Jesus Christ sent His Spirit to them as promised, so that they could fulfill the command of love. In the Roman Liturgy, the texts of the Vigil Mass and the Mass of the Day express this event well, marking the effective beginning of evangelism. in worship Music is an integral part of the mystery, so it fulfills its rituals as closely as it is associated with sacred actions. The song suggestions that we present here, directed by the IGMR, are taken as parameters of the entrance echo, the presentation of offerings and banquets, all gradually and drawn from the Roman missal, used in the celebration of Vespers can go. Pentecost day..

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Vigilance Gateway:

Vigil Antiphon: “The love of God has been poured into our hearts by his Spirit, who dwells in us, Alleluia!”

In Antiphon, taken from Epistle to the Romans, St. Paul will give us hope, for it does not disappoint. Because, even when we were in sin, God reconciled us in his Son Jesus Christ, and even more so now with the sending of the Holy Spirit, in whom the Parakeet, the Protector, comes to us. Inspired by this purpose, the composers Frei Joel Postma, Frei Wandersson, Fr. Jose Alves, Senior Tarcisia and Gilson Celerino perform their tunes.

Day Entrance:

Antiphon’s Day: “The Spirit of the Lord filled the universe; He puts everything together and knows all languages, Hallelujah.

The Book of Wisdom shows us, albeit a veil, the image of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom is a soul that loves human beings, listens to their voice inside everyone’s heart. It is the Spirit that lifts us up to pray and praise God, crying out in us “Abba” – Father; Because without him we cannot be. It is the same groan that knows all languages, that fills the whole earth like a gentle breeze and knows every voice, and that voice reaches to God. Composer Reginaldo Veloso, Fr. Joel Postma and Friar Vanderson are also inspired by this antiphon and make us sing these beautiful tunes.

Options for both masses:

Responsible Hymn:

PS 103(104) – r. Send your soul, Lord, and renew the whole face of the earth.

either. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Sequence (mass of the day):

The Pentecost sequence comes from a very ancient church tradition. The composer of this song was the true harp of God played by the Holy Spirit himself. Its voice will remain so as long as humanity turns to a sincere prayer for the “father of the poor”. One who understands the lack of his heart, who is sympathetic to everything that moves his heart and the hearts of his brothers, who meditates on the text and its sweet development, on the spirits and the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church gives. , he will reach the most adequate interpretation of this magnificent song. (Author unknown) Musician, Fr. Jose Weber, Tapasvi Wanderson Freitas, Br. Miria T. Colling and Fr. Joel Postma sang his tune.

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Proclamation of the Gospel:

Presentation Corner (vigilance and day):

Antiphon: “Be firm in us, O God, that what you have made of us Alleluia, concerning your temple in Jerusalem!”

From Psalm 66 (67), Antiphon for the Presentation of the Offering is taken from Gradual Simple, a book of songs composed during the Second Vatican Council. The Church wants to remind us of our origins, where the Spirit spoke. First by the prophets and then by Christ himself in the temple in Jerusalem. Now the Church asks that the same Spirit guide us revealing the seven gifts. Inspired by this cause, composers Pt. Joel Postma, Frei Vanderson Freitas, Reginaldo Veloso, Frei Fabretti, Br. Miriam T. Kolling and Andre Zamur provide us with beautiful tunes.

Communion Corner of Vigilance:

Vigil Antiphon: “On the last day of the feast, Jesus cried: If anyone is thirsty, come to me and drink, Hallelujah!”

In the Gospel of St. John, in the context of the conclusion of the Great Feast of the Tabernacle, Christ calls the thirsty. Bringing the liturgical aspect, Pentecost concludes the Easter season, the great Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord lasting 50 days. He who believes in Jesus, rivers of water of life will flow from within him. This is a sign of the Holy Spirit that they were to receive, and this was done after Christ was glorified. Reginaldo Veloso, Franco Berrettini and Sr. Miriam T. Kolling presents us with her beautiful tunes.

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Milan Song of the Day:

Antiphon’s Day: “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and announced the miracles of God, Alleluia!”

The Acts of the Apostles record the birth of the Church. On the day of Pentecost they all gather in the upper room. The virgin Mary was with them when a mighty wind fell from heaven, blowing like a tongue of fire on the apostles, and so they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they set out to preach the great miracles of God. Here the apostles receive the necessary encouragement to carry forward the message of Christ. “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on everyone, and your sons and daughters will prophesy.” The promise is fulfilled. Composer Pt. Joel Postma, Frey Wanderson Freitas, Er. Miriam T. Colling and Gilson Celerino present us with their beautiful creations inspired by the Antiphon.

last song of praise

  • Send, O Lord! (Song: Mother Tarcisia | Music: Jose Alves) Sheet Music: Liturgical Hymn of CNBB – Vol. II – Easter Cycle, p. 219
  • Jehovah’s Spirit rests on me (Songs & Music: Father Jose Weber, SVD) Sheet Music: Liturgical Hymn of CNBB – Vol. II – Easter Cycle, p. 264
  • Come, Spirit of Light (Andre Zamur and Father Lucio Floro)
  • God’s Love Covered (Sr. Miriam T. Colling and Father Lucio Floro)
  • Come, Holy Spirit, come! (Song & Music: DR) Sheet Music: Liturgical Hymn of CNBB – Vol. II – Easter Cycle, p. 302
  • When the Spirit of God Breathed (Songs & Music: Ze Vicente)

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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