Suspect of stealing laptop of Nancy Pelosi during the invasion of Capitol Hill has been arrested in America

Suspect of stealing laptop of Nancy Pelosi during the invasion of Capitol Hill has been arrested in America

The accused is called Riley June Williams. As it is still unclear whether he actually stole the computer, by now, he was arrested for assault and rioting.

The FBI said Sunday that there was a video from Nancy Pelosi’s office carrying her laptop or hard drive, and she was investigating whether Williams was trying to sell the material to Russian intelligence agents.

US Capitol Invasion – Photo: AFP / Breeding / Globnews / AP

The agency says it received a report from a man who claims he was Williams’ romantic partner.

The informant said that Williams had plans to send the material to a friend in Russia who was going to sell it to the Russian intelligence service, SVR.

The FBI said in a document filed in court, “The transfer of the computer to Russia did not occur for unknown reasons and Williams still has the material or destroyed it.”

The investigation is still open.

The New York Times reported that Williams surrendered on Monday. It is not known when the hearing will take place.

According to the FBI, before turning herself in, Williams deactivated her phone number, left social media and ran away from her mother’s home, where she lived.

Following the Congressional January 6 invasion, there have been concerns about the deployment of computers or electronic devices, theft from senators and their teams.

The invading president-elect was trying to prevent Joe Biden’s electoral victory. Many recorded videos and photos of themselves participate in violent acts.

Trump was instigated by the House for rebellion last week and is now facing trial in the Senate.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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