The desert is a place of temptation: “Never negotiate with the devil”, the Pope said

The desert is a place of temptation: “Never negotiate with the devil”, the Pope said

The gospel of the day of Jesus’ temptations in the desert, on this first Sunday of Lent, led Pope Francis to reflect on the address that preceded the Angelian Marian prayer. The pontiff reminded us that the symbolic atmosphere of the desert is where “God speaks to the heart of man”, an existential dimension “to shut up and listen to God’s words”. However, it is “also a place.” “Without fear, but with attention, we should prepare ourselves to fight him like Jesus, the pontiff said,” There was never any dialogue with Satan, never. “When the seducer approaches,” no dialogue is possible. . Word of God only ”.

Andres Collett – Vatican News

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On this first Sunday of Lent, in an address that preceded the Marian Prayer of Angus, Pope Francis reflected on the gospel of the day that highlights themes of temptation and conversion through the “natural and symbolic environment” of the desert . In fact, with the divine rites last Wednesday (17th), we started the way to Lent. And on this first Sunday of that litigation, the Word of God is what leads us to live better “40 days leading up to the annual celebration of Easter”.

Symbolic atmosphere of the desert

Thus, the Pope, through the evangelist Marcos (cf. 1,12–15), comments on the passage taken by Jesus when “the Spirit took him into the desert” (v. 12), there for 40 days. Left, “where he was tempted by the devil”. Desert, encouraged to reflect Francis, an environment “natural and symbolic, so important in the Bible”:

“The desert is the place where God speaks to the heart of man, and where the answer to prayer arises, that is, the desert of solitude, the heart is separated from other things and only in that solitude, it opens to the word of God.” Of. But it is also a place of trial and temptation, where the Temptor, taking advantage of the fragility and the needs of the human, has its own lying voice, an alternative to God, an alternative voice that shows you the other way, another way of deception. . Temperature drifts. “

In fact, Francis continued, during the 40 days in the desert of Jesus, a ‘duel’ between Jesus and Satan began, which would end with Passion and the Cross. The entire ministry of Christ in its many manifestations is a struggle against the Evil One: healing of diseases, forgiveness of sins committed in the present, “. Jesus, acting with the power of God,” seems to benefit Satan. , When the Son of God is disowned, abandoned and, ultimately, captured and condemned to death “. But, no, the pontiff said, because” surely defeating Satan. Crossing for and freeing all of us from his power “was the final death ‘desert”.

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We all triumph over evil

Every year, at the beginning of Lent, Francis recalled, “This temptation of Jesus in the desert reminds us that a Christian’s life, at the feet of the Lord, is a fight against the spirit of evil”. But, what should we do like Jesus, who faced the Temptor and prevailed: “We must be aware of the presence of this cunning enemy, who is interested in our eternal condemnation, in our failure, and ourselves. Is ready to defend and fight against it “. Thus, the pontiff asserted that, “in temptations, Jesus never communicated with the devil, never”:

“In his life, Jesus never communicated with Satan. It either turns you away from captives or condemns you or shows your malfeasance, but never talks. And in the desert, there seems to be a dialogue as Satan proposes three and Jesus responds. But Jesus does not answer her words. Answer the Word of God, with three passages of Scripture. And this is for all of us. When Seducer approaches, he begins to seduce us: ‘But think this, do this …’, the temptation is to communicate with him, as Eva did. Eva said: ‘But you can’t because we …’, and entered the dialogue. And if we negotiate with the devil, we will lose. Keep it in your head and in your heart: You never talk with the devil, no dialogue is possible. Only the word of God. “

Never communicate with the devil

The Pope ended his reflection, encouraging all of us, in this time of Lent, to follow the Holy Spirit like Jesus, and enter the desert, “without fear”:

“It is not – as we have seen – a physical place, but an existential dimension to remain silent to hear the word of God,” so that true conversion can take place in us “. Do not be afraid of the desert, more moments of prayer. Seek, to silence, to enter into ourselves. Do not be afraid. We are asked to walk in the way of God, renewing our baptismal promises: forsaking Satan, all his actions and all his seduction. The enemy is, grudge, be careful. But never talk to him. “

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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