The golfer plays next to a crocodile in tournaments in the United States; Watch video

The golfer plays next to a crocodile in tournaments in the United States;  Watch video


Várzea team launches shirt against racism, homophobia and boycott

SAO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – If professional sports have seen more and more social awareness campaigns, these guidelines in amateur football have long remained latent. Example: There are only teams with trans athletes; For many years, it was in a floodplain that was opposed by women’s football; Land areas are often the only places for inclusion, leisure, and dialogue in communities; The films have already told the story of the fight against racism in these places. Now, in the Villa Nova Cachoeirinha neighborhood, north of São Paulo, Inzar de Souza, a team of Divinia slums, decided to change their uniforms to combat various forms of prejudice. The shirt was officially launched on Monday (26), with anti-racist traits, against prejudice to gender and sexual orientation, and against the inclusion of people with certain disabilities. Magro’s sports director Magro says, “We want to call other flood teams to create the same movement against prejudice and discrimination. We’ve never seen, even among professionals, a shirt with such a broad concept “. “Very likely people with backward thinking may appear [em reação ao uniforme], But we do not worry about it, we want to raise awareness. “The uniform brings out the Injar, as usual.” The poor team has no sponsor, “jokes Magro. But this time, it includes it. Libras (Brazilian language of Signs) with high relief for the blind and in Braille, on the shoulder, for social inclusion The United Nations symbol appears. The number of players is outlined in the colors of the LGBB rainbow. The anti-racist struggle and a fist climbed by the picture, mentioning Down syndrome, autism and older people with a wheelchair. The shield still holds the figure of an Indian in honor of Inzar’s founder and first president., Evan Jacare, an already deceased and former professional sportsman, Pamela, who has Down syndrome, Dega, wheelchairs, and Pem representing the LGBT community Huay Lala. Founded in 1978, the team also has a carnival block, and it was from the union as well as the revelation that ideas arose for the new uniform. “There was no carnival in 2021, but we already plotted on the avenue The theme was pre-selected. This was when the idea of ​​’ex-prejudice’ arose due to the events of football and sports in the United States. “I decided to bring this concept, this theme, to our new uniform”, Magro says. Inzar has 11 sub-teams over 50 years old. Currently, he is registered in three tournaments for 2021: Copa Martins Neto, Supercopa Pioneer (known as Flood Plain) and Copa Negritude. But contests are still in doubt due to restrictions imposed by governments to fight coronoviruses. During the pandemic, Inzar – as well as many other teams in the floodplain – played the role of capturing and distributing basic food baskets to their community. According to the director, 24 tonnes of food had been distributed till now. But the arrival of Coronavirus also affected the team’s already fragile revenue. Magro says that he needs about $ 40 thousand for each of the big tournaments he has to play. Today, revenue comes almost entirely from the sale of sporting goods. In normal times, sponsorships are already rare and only in partnership with local businesses – small businesses that pay around $ 400 per month. “Terai teams find it difficult to attract sponsorship. I think companies have not awakened yet, this is a niche that has been covered. [Para este ano], We signed a partnership with the bakery Saibor de Mel, but we have not received anything yet, as the game has not even started, and the business is still closed “, said the director. Magreo five or six more projects. Agreements, but he doesn’t even think about recovering money for now. He understands that what should happen is a sense of community. “It is essential to have common sense.”

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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