The US announces higher tariffs on some EU products, such as wines and grapes – 12/31/2020

The US announces higher tariffs on some EU products, such as wines and grapes – 12/31/2020
The United States government, in a statement on Wednesday, 30, announced an “adjustment” in tariffs on certain products imported from the European Union. The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) says it is part of a US right authorized in October 2019 to impose additional tariffs on EU products, about $ 7.5 billion, at the World Trade Organization (WTO) on civil aviation Controversy in the area.

USTR’s statement recalls that in September this year, EU disputes supported imposing tariffs on US products at US $ 4 billion, but says the bloc uses trade data during the trade pandemic. Was “significantly reduced” due to the effect of.

As a result, the tariffs imposed by the block reached a significantly higher quantity of products than in a normal period.

The United States says it has indicated distortion, but the European Union has refused to change the methodology, which now leads to new US adjustments.

As a result, the United States says it will raise tariffs to hold shares in proportion to both parties.

The USRT note states that the affected European products include aircraft parts from France and Germany, non-sparkling wines from France and Germany, some cognac and some grape varieties.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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