Trump News – Live: Losing President Repeats ‘We Will Win’ Flynn Apologizes ‘Misuse of Power’

Trump News – Live: Losing President Repeats ‘We Will Win’ Flynn Apologizes ‘Misuse of Power’

Donald Trump, at least publicly, continues to deny the fact on Twitter, claiming that those who lost to Biden “will win” despite the official change.

His social media account was flooded overnight with allegations of US election conspiracies and complaints of coronaviruses and the political left. He also announced that he had pardoned his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who had lied to the FBI during a Russian investigation.

Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi called the amnesty a “misuse of power.”

Meanwhile, Joe Biden, using a live-broadcast Thanksgiving address to demand unity, told Americans: “We need to remember that we are not fighting each other, we are fighting the virus, not each other. “


Trump’s ‘zombie’ election strategy

Republicans allied with Donald Trump are allowing the false claims of his zombie campaign to continue because they are afraid to remove their political base, experts say.

Despite dozens of legal and procedural setbacks, Mr. Trump’s team continues to file new challenges that have no prospect of success and fresh, unfounded claims of fraud.

The president’s character claims are affecting the country with suspicion, although the winner was clear and no evidence of public voter fraud has been found.

“Zombies are dead people who walk alive – that’s the case,” said Forita Tolson, a professor at the University of Southern Thorne California Gold School of Law. “In the case of litigation that could change the election, all of these cases are actually dead men.”

Thomas Mann, a senior resident scholar at the Institute of Government Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, adds: “This is truly a form of civilized coup.

“It could end soon if the Republican Party acknowledges what is happening. But they face a connection to the Trump base.”

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 13:21


Obama says Republicans portray whites as ‘victims’ to help Trump win votes

Speaking about his new book, A Promoted Land, the former president said the stories that white male Americans received during the last presidential campaign were: “Democrats don’t believe in Christmas, you know, only minorities and blacks care and your Trying to snatch things and try to carry our guns.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 13:07


Trump told Pence and Pompeo about his plans to run in 2024, the report said

Donald Trump has told Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence that he plans to run for president again in 2024, according to a report.

Bloomberg The President briefed his Secretary of State and Vice President on his plan at the Oval Office 10 days after the election.

Allegedly in the room was National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, who told Bloomberg in response: “If you do, and I think I speak for everyone in the room, we are with you. 100 percent yes ”

However, according to a Bloomberg report, both Mr. Pompeo and Mr. Pence did not say anything.

Mr. Pompeo is widely reported to have aspirations for the presidency, while Mr. Pence may also be a favorite for the Republican Party’s 2024 nomination.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 12:51


‘We are fighting the virus, not each other’: Biden gives Thanksgiving address on national liberation from Kovid

Joe Biden has appealed to Americans who were separated from their families during the coronavirus epidemic to show their family’s loss, thanking them for “faith, courage and sacrifice” during the holiday. Writes Alex Woodward.

“Serving the country, serving one another, and giving thanks in the face of adversity is what long Thanksgiving means in the United States,” he said in a Delaware comment on Wednesday.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 12:45 p.m.


Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 12:12


Kamala Harris says Mike Pence hasn’t spoken to her yet

Kamala Harris has revealed that she has not yet spoken to her counterpart and current Vice President Mike Pence since the presidential election was called. Writes Gino Spocchia.

Ms Harris, who was elected vice president about three weeks ago, told reporters Wednesday that she had neither spoken to Mr. Pence nor to Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 11:51


The Trump administration has called for the expulsion of immigrant children

The U.S. government on Wednesday appealed a judge’s order barring immigrant children from crossing the border, which is part of a policy to deny asylum to children during the coronavirus epidemic.

Judge Emmet Sullivan issued a preliminary injunction on November 18 seeking a ban on the deportation of unaccounted children by immigration lawyers under public health laws.

The Justice Department filed a notice of appeal Wednesday night in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. It also asked Judge Sullivan to stay the pending appeal, which he had previously denied.

Since March, border agents have referred 200,000 migrant adults and children to the cause of the epidemic and the need to stop the spread of the virus, although Kovid-19 is spreading widely in border communities and across the country.

Judge Sullivan’s order only included children who crossed the border without parents, not adults or parents and children. At least 8,800 unaccompanied children have been deported without seeking asylum or the opportunity to speak to a lawyer. Most people get sick within hours or days. However, the Trump administration detained hundreds of children in hotels near the US-Mexico border for days or weeks at a time until another judge stopped the practice.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 11:21


US Covid epidemic forces Disney to lay off more than 30,000 workers in first half of 2021

The Walt Disney Company has announced that it will lay off 32,000 workers during the ongoing coronavirus epidemic. Writes James Crump.

According to Reuters, the figure is more than the 28,000 previously announced by the company and includes employees of its theme parks, mainly in the US.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 10:41


US politicians urge Boris Johnson to set up public inquiry into human rights lawyer’s murder

Boris Johnson’s government has been called by prominent figures in Washington for an “end to years of delay” and called for a public inquiry into the 1989 murder of human rights lawyer Pat Finuken. Writes Adam Forrest.

Mr Finukney, 39, was shot dead by a loyal paramilitary at his home in Northern Ireland, and his family has been trying to establish a scale of collusion with British security forces for the past 31 years.

Both Republicans and Democrats – a group of 24 members of the US Congress have written to the Prime Minister to accuse the British government of “breach of trust” in the case.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 10:18


Stephen Bannon replaces lawyers in the Border Wall Fund case

A leading lawyer in Washington has defended the allegations of Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, alleging that he informed a judge on Wednesday that he was no longer the right lawyer for the job.

William A. Burke wrote a letter to the trial judge in Manhattan federal court stating that he and Stephen Bannon had agreed that the new attorneys would adapt to Mr. Bannon’s defense strategy.

Joan SharmaNovember 26, 2020 10:02

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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