Two doses of vaccine show efficiency against delta variants

Two doses of vaccine show efficiency against delta variants

Two doses of anti-COVID vaccine effectively protect against delta type coronavirus, very contagious and which spreads rapidly, said today the EMA (European Medicines Agency, its abbreviation in Portuguese).

“Information from solid trials shows that two doses of the vaccine protect against the delta variant,” said Marco Cavallari, director of vaccination strategy at EMA.

Coronavirus cases have risen again in Europe since last week, after a 10-week decline in a row, the continental unit of the WHO (World Health Organisation) announced today, which attributed the rise to the variant.

“We are aware of the concern caused by the rapid spread of the delta variant,” Cavallari said.

“Currently, it appears that the four vaccines approved in the European Union (EU) protect against all strains circulating in Europe, including the delta version,” he said.

The four EMA approved vaccines are Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

The WHO predicts that the delta variant, which was initially detected in India, will remain “dominant” until August, confirming the prediction of the ECDC (European Center for Disease Control and Prevention), which calculates that within the EU Will be the cause of 90% of cases. This edition on the date cited.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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