UK prepares to exit lockdown after accident in Kovid-19 cases

UK prepares to exit lockdown after accident in Kovid-19 cases

BAURU, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson explained on Monday (22) how Coronavirus would progress in the first stages of the gradual exit of the imposed lockdown in England. The guidelines should also serve as a basis for the other countries that make up the United Kingdom.

By 8 March, the schools are expected to reopen in the country and at the end of next month, meetings between friends and family will be allowed, as a result of the decline in Kovid-19 cases, aided by the fastest vaccination in the world campaign. .

“Today I will outline a screenplay to get us out of lockdown with caution,” Boris wrote in a Twitter post, before presenting his project in Parliament. “Our priority has always been to bring children back to school, which we know is important for their education and well-being. We will also prioritize ways for people to meet their loved ones safely.”

With more than 120,000 deaths from Kovid-19, the United Kingdom is the fifth-country in the world behind the United States, Brazil, Mexico and India. But the rapid pace of vaccines associated with the harsh national blockade – the third of its kind in England, which has lasted 49 days – has contributed to a significant drop in the number of new infections.

When Boris decided to blockade on 4 January, the daily moving average of affairs was close to 55,000. Five days later, it reached 59,000, the highest record in Britain since the epidemic.

Since then, there has been a sharp decline in the transition curve and according to the most recent data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, the moving average was 11,200 last Saturday (20) – representing a drop of about 81% over the described period.

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Nevertheless, the British Prime Minister has taken a more careful stance than what he has seen in the past. “Our decisions will be made based on the latest data at each level and we will be vigilant about this approach so that we do not undo the progress made so far and each of you has made sacrifices to be safe.”

Although some details of the plan, such as the reopening of English schools, were already anticipated by ministers, the Prime Minister presented the entire project to the British Parliament on Monday afternoon. Officials in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, responsible for their own public health policies, are also expected to ease the restrictions in the coming months.

The script proposed by Boris has four stages, with an interval of five weeks. The final phase, when almost all restrictions will be lifted, is expected to begin at least June 21.

These gaps were first announced by the British Minister of Health, Matt Hancock. According to him, the break will reevaluate the possible effects of the relaxation, so that the schedule can be changed according to the epidemiological scenario of the country.

Boris told Parliament that there is no credible route to a UK free from Kovid-19, or even a disease-free world. However, according to the Prime Minister, the country “cannot continue indefinitely with restrictions that undermine our economy, our physical and mental well-being and the life chances of our children”.

“And that’s why it’s so important that this script is cautious, but also irreplaceable” Boris continued. “We are doing what I hope and believe is a path to freedom.”

Schools will reopen on 8 March, when it will be possible for two people from different families to meet again. From March 29, it will be possible to meet family members in the parks and play games outside.

Hairdressers and non-essential shops and places serving al fresco food will reopen from 12 April. Restaurants and pubs will be able to operate indoors from May 17. Six people from two families will be able to meet inside the house.

Non-essential international travel is banned until at least 17 May. The government hopes that all restrictions on social contacts will be lifted on 21 June, when the nightclubs reopen.

The Prime Minister said that the British should learn to live with Kovid-19 for a long time, just as they had learned to live with the flu. In his speech to lawmakers, he praised the country’s ability for vaccine production and sought to reduce concerns about effectiveness against already identified coronavirus variants.

The UK has entered into an agreement with the German pharmaceutical company Curevac to guarantee the purchase of 50 million doses of vaccines against coronovirus variants. Other developers, such as AstraZeneca / Oxford, are trying to redesign their immunizers to ensure protection against newer versions of the virus.

“We have no reason to doubt [as vacinas] The new variants are effective in reducing deaths and serious cases, “Boris said. In the course of a few months, we will see new vaccines to defeat those variants that have survived the vaccine.”

Boris has faced double pressure in the reopening process. On the one hand, Conservative Party peers insist on restarting the economy to recover the nation’s worst estimated loss of US $ 3 trillion (R $ 16.5 trillion) in 300 years. On the other hand, the scientific community fears new waves of contamination by coronaviruses if the lockdown ends too quickly.

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Boris is also expected to have flexibility in factors such as speed and success of immunity program, rate of infection, and effect of coronav variants.

The United Kingdom applied approximately 18.2 million doses of the vaccine against Kovid-19 as of last Saturday (20), ranking the country only behind the United States, China and the European Union compared to the absolute number of doses applied. Does.

In the list proportional to the size of each population, the United Kingdom appears in the third position just after Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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