Ukraine’s richest man vows to rebuild Mariupol – News

Ukraine’s richest man vows to rebuild Mariupol – News

Ukraine’s richest man has pledged to help rebuild the city of Mariupol, where the businessman owns two major steel mills, and says he will return to competing globally.

Rinat Akhmetov watched his business empire collapse for eight years Fighting in Eastern UkraineBut it is certain that what he calls “our brave soldiers” will defend the city, which has been reduced to a desert after seven weeks of bombardment.

However, for the time being, Ukraine’s largest steel maker Metinvest has announced that it cannot deliver its supply contracts. Its financial and industrial conglomerate is meeting its debt obligations and its private energy producer DTEK has “optimized the payment of its debts” in an agreement with creditors.

“Mariupol is a global tragedy and a global example of heroism. To me, Mariupol was and always will be a Ukrainian city,” Akhmetov said in a written response to Reuters questions.

“I believe that our brave soldiers will defend the city, although I understand how difficult and difficult it is for them,” said the businessman, adding that he was in daily contact with the Metinvest managers who run the plant in Mariupol.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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