UN promotes debate for more sustainable tourism – 05/04/2022

UN promotes debate for more sustainable tourism – 05/04/2022

United Nations, United States of America, 5 May 2022 (AFP) – Will tourism return to what it was before COVID-19? Most actors in this critical sector for economies, which contributed US$3.5 trillion to world GDP before the pandemic, believe it is necessary to leverage it to make it more sustainable and inclusive.

Under the title “Putting Sustainable and Resilient Tourism at the Center of Inclusive Recovery”, representatives from countries and the private sector at the United Nations this Wednesday (4) discussed what the future of the region should look like “more sustainable, more resilient” and more responsible”.

The United Nations, along with the World Tourism Organisation, wants to take advantage of the opportunity to stop the debate on how to promote the region that has been hit by the pandemic.

If it continues on the same path it followed from March 2020 until its forced suspension, the sector could save 154% in energy consumption, 131% more greenhouse gas emissions, 152% more water consumption and 251% more by 2050. will generate more solid waste. According to a United Nations report on green economy.

“We cannot allow it to continue like this (…) we must be more ambitious, more responsible”, warned the Speaker of the United Nations Assembly, Abdullah Shabib, adding that “now is the time to change the region”. “.

The sector, which previously accounted for 4% of world GDP, is the main driver of economic growth and development for most countries, especially the least developed countries, with 120 million jobs lost during the pandemic.

According to the United Nations, tourism is the main source of employment, foreign exchange and tax revenue for many developing countries, including island countries. For smaller countries, tourism represents 30% of exports and in some cases up to 80%.

In something unusual at the United Nations, where speakers follow each other on stage, part of the debate was held in round tables, addressing topics such as more sustainable tourism, leaving no one behind, or more Climate-adapted change or accelerated investment. Tourism sustainable.

But everyone knows that “trillions of dollars” of funding – according to the Saudi representative – will need to be adapted to make it a tool for creating a “more prosperous, fairer, more equal and inclusive” society. , as the Spanish minister of the region, Reyes Maroto said.

Air Force/ATM/MVV

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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