United Kingdom version responsible for the “vast majority” of cases in Portugal

United Kingdom version responsible for the “vast majority” of cases in Portugal

Newsroom with lusa

The SARS-CoV-2 variant is linked to the United Kingdom which continues on an “upward frequency trajectory” in Portugal and accounts for “the great majority of cases”, which was found in 82.9% of the samples collected in March, INSA. Announced.

National Institute of Health Dr. Despite the “status report on the genetic diversity of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Portugal” prepared by Ricardo Jorge (INSA), the circulation is still “infrequent in the community”, despite the South African version suggesting a “substantial increase”.

Regarding the version originally identified in the United Kingdom, INSA states that “it was detected by sequencing with a relative frequency of 82.9% in the national sample in March, continuing on an upward frequency trajectory, vast.” The version responsible for the majority is. Today the case of Kovid-19 “.

The new Coronavirus version involving South Africa has been detected to date in 49 cases of Kovid-19, 27 of which were detected in a national sample in March, “which represents a relative frequency of 2.5% and in relation to The February sample (0.1%) shows a considerable increase ”.

“Physiological analysis indicates that this version was introduced several times independently in Portugal. Nevertheless, among the 49 sequences, there are some well-defined ‘clusters’ (for example, transmission chains limited to households or institutions), suggesting that circulation in the community is still inconsistent, ”says INSA.

So far, 22 cases of variant P.1 (involving Brazil, Manaus) have been observed, only four cases of this variant have been detected in the March variant, maintaining the same relative frequency (0.4%) seen in February , Which suggests that this type of circulation is “very limited in Portugal”.

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The report noted that “the P.2 variant, which was also initially detected in Brazil, detected a decrease in its relative frequency in the March sample; only one case out of 1,094 sequences has been analyzed,” the report said. Having said.

According to INSA, “The national samples of March 2021 by sequencing covered 10.4% of the positive samples reported during analysis in Portugal, so the data presented strongly reflect the weight of variants in vogue in the current course of Epidic. country “.

INSA says that this latest update to the site includes new features, including a new interactive panel that analyzes the evolution of the proportion of different variables (eg, clap, lineage, mutation, etc.) over time. Allows to do.

To date, INSA, through the bioinformatics nucleus of its Department of Infectious Diseases, has analyzed 5,758 sequences of the genome of the new coronovirus from samples collected in 89 laboratories, hospitals and institutions representing 252 municipalities in Portugal .

Since the March 3 report, more than 1,345 sequences have been analyzed, including 1,094 sequences, with INSA coordinating monthly monitoring with national samples, coming from laboratories distributed throughout the country, including A total of 166 municipalities and 89 sequences are included. Obtained from samples suspected of the presence of variants associated with South Africa and Brazil or other specific studies.

According to a report made by the French agency AFP, the Kovid-19 epidemic caused at least 2,853,908 deaths worldwide, more than 131.2 million cases of infection.

The data
Portugal today recorded 6 deaths related to Kovid-19 and 159 new cases of new coronavirus infection.

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In Portugal, the Communicability Index (Rt) has now risen to 1 on the continent, while 60.9 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants have decreased in the last 14 days.

According to the most recent bulletin of the Directorate General for Health, 14 out of 499 people in Portugal, Portugal Portugal5 people have died.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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