US officials ask Congress to make Biden’s victory official – 01/04/2021

US officials ask Congress to make Biden’s victory official – 01/04/2021

Dozens of prominent US officials on Monday asked Congress to formalize Joe Biden as the new president of the United States, in which he said jointly that “it was time to move the country forward”.

The letter, signed by more than 170 officials from sectors ranging from finance and sports to technology and media, condemns any attempt to thwart the certification process as “contrary to the essential principles” of American “democracy”.

A copy of the letter published by the Business Advocacy Group Partnership for New York City says, “This presidential election has already been decided and it’s time for the nation to move forward.” “Congress should certify the Electoral College vote on Wednesday, January 6,” demanded the traders.

The move is generally a formality, but more than 100 Republican congressmen and about a dozen Republican members of the Senate announced plans to raise objections on Wednesday.

At least one representative of the lower house and one member of the upper house must oppose the certification to debate the matter and vote at the plenary meeting of each house.

However, controlled by Democrats in the lower house and with a Republican majority in the Senate and where many Republican senators accepted Biden’s victory and said they would not contest it.

US President Donald Trump falsely declared his victory in the November 3 election.

Trump asked his supporters to go to Washington on Wednesday, when Congress meets, raising fears of clashes in the nation’s capital.

The 179 officials who signed the letter said, “President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris won at Electoral College and the courts challenged the electoral process.”

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The Kovid-19 epidemic still prevails in the United States, “Our duly elected leaders deserve the respect and bipartisan support of all Americans at a time when we face the worst economic and health crises in modern history,” traders Continued. .

Signing the letter included Blackstone’s chief operating officer, Jonathan Gray; Microsoft President Brad Smith; Dexter Goei, CEO of Altice USA and Lyft co-founder John Zimmer.

CEO of Goldman Sachs and American Express Company, with CEO of Blackrock, Laurence Fink and directors of the National Insurance Association Basketball The man and woman, Adam Silver and Catherine Engelbert, also signed the order.

Albert Borla, the CEO of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer responsible for the development of one of the vaccines against Kovid-19, is also among the signatories.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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