Vaccination against Kovid-19 begins in at least five hospitals in B.H.

Vaccination against Kovid-19 begins in at least five hospitals in B.H.

Priority is being given to health professionals working in the front line against the disease.

Many hospitals in Belo Horizonte began vaccinating their professionals shortly after receiving coronavac doses on Tuesday afternoon (19).

The first immunized patient at the hospital Das Kleinicus (HC) at UFMG was 61-year-old CTI adult nurse Antonio Alves Ribeiro, who has worked at the institution for 38 years. He says, “I was very happy at first. The vaccine is scientifically safe.”

HC received 2,500 doses of the vaccine. The first carer to receive vaccination will be a professional who works in the intensive care units (ICUs) of the hospital. “The vaccine not only brings a perspective to control the epidemic in the world, but is also of safe work within the hospital”, hospital superintendent Andrea Maria Silveira says.

In Santa Casa, 1,500 professionals must be immunized by the morning of this Wednesday (20). Priorities are also those who are in the front line against Kovid-19. “This day will recede in history, we are beginning to vaccinate our people, extremely valuable people, who are working tirelessly, many people are on the verge of exhaustion. Our race to start vaccination has worked tirelessly for these people There is a recognition, definitely saved the lives of many people “, explains Santa Casa BH, director of health care at Guilherme Ricio.

Nurse Thais Moreira was one of the earliest vaccinated in Santa Casa. “It was a feeling of joy, happiness and, above all, gratitude. We must believe in science, in our SUS. It is a light at the end of that tunnel that is to come, and one of it to participate as a pioneer. Is capable of, is sensational “. Accounting.

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At the Minas Gerais State Social Security Institute (Ipsemg), 56 adult CTI workers have already been vaccinated. The main targets are professionals who are in the front line of Kovid-19.

Vaccination of Eduardo de Menezes (HEM) and Julia Kubitschek (JJK) was also introduced in hospitals., Femig network units are references in the treatment of Kovid-19 cases in the capital.

About 2,300 hospital staff will be vaccinated over the next few days with 800 from HEM and over 1500 from HJK. Priority will be given to areas like ICU and Ward.

Both units will have vaccination daily from 9 am to 9 pm. At Juelia Kubitschek, a training room was designed for dosing application. In Eduardo de Menezes, professionals will be treated in a vaccination room with two offices.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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