‘We’ll go out together’, says Bolsonaro about Geddes’ stay

‘We’ll go out together’, says Bolsonaro about Geddes’ stay

President claims with minister that head of economic team did ‘extraordinary work’

Gabriella Billo/Estado IngredientsThe President and the Minister of Economy spoke to journalists and supporters this Sunday

President Jair Bolsonaro (No Party) reaffirmed this Sunday, the 24th, that the Minister of Economy, paulo gedesWill stay in government “We’ll go out together, don’t worry. Right up front,” the president said with the head of the economic team. Rumors of the minister’s departure picked up late last week following the resignation of four economic assistants. Collective request to replace was inspired by the involvement of the government in Precatório. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (PEC) of To change the inflation calculation period in spending limit Find a place to grow Brazil aid Up to R $ 400. In response to the rumours, Bolsonaro went to the economy ministry to meet with Guedes on the afternoon of Friday, 23.

Bolsonaro also said this morning that he had confidence in the minister. “I met Paulo Geddes practically a year before the election. He is a man I have full confidence in. His work in 2019 was exceptional, and in 2020 even better”, he said. Last week, Geddes denied that he had resigned from the government, saying he knew he was fired by executives when he was in the United States in early October. “from a political wing BTG Andre went to Esteves, asked: ‘If Geddes leaves, who can we put in his place? You Can Borrow Mansueto [Almeida, economista-chefe do BTG]?’, things like that. I know the president didn’t ask for it, because I believe he trusts me, and I trust him,” he said. According to Geddes, dissatisfaction arose from the imposition of respect for spending limits. “I am not saying that they are ministers, no, there is an army of breakers. The ceiling is uncomfortable, it forces people to vote,” he said.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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