What changes do Google Photos have with the expiration of unlimited storage?

What changes do Google Photos have with the expiration of unlimited storage?
Unlimited free storage of Google Photos images and videos will expire on June 1
Photo: Disclosure / Google

As of Tuesday (first), Google Photos will no longer offer unlimited storage of images and videos. Now, high-definition or native-quality files will occupy part of the 15 GB of space offered by the platform – split capacity between core Google services, such as Drive, Gmail, and Photos.

The new rule applies to files entered from the month of June. That is, photos and videos already saved in accounts should not be deleted or take up additional space. In practice, the change is expected to have an impact primarily on those who save files in high quality. This is because this format should share space – already fixed at 15 GB – with files resized from the original backup.

Despite this, the company estimates that more than 80% of users, who only use the platform to store memories, should have about 3 years of free storage capacity by the time the limit expires. Google also announced that images taken on Pixel devices – the company’s smartphone lineup – would not lose current benefits. The exemption applies to devices of any generation of the brand.

Upon completing the available space, you will have the option to delete files or subscribe to the Google One service, which provides an additional 100 GB of storage for R $ 6.99 per month in the simplest plan. To facilitate the transition, Google will provide a new area of ​​management of images, videos, and backups, providing greater control over the space used and automatic authorizations of downloads and compression.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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