hey WhatsApp This Monday (6) announced that the ‘temporary messages’ function becomes the default for all new conversations made in the application. news was also transmitted by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO yes meta, on his social network at the beginning of this afternoon.
The function can be enabled in the Settings section in the “Privacy of Settings” area by the user, who can choose whether the message will be available for 24 hours, 7 days or 3 months.
According to a statement released by WhatsApp, the change has been studied for some time and given “for greater control and privacy for those using the platform”, the document says.
By configuring Messages temporarily, after a defined timeout, the messages will be deleted forever, without being able to be recovered from all devices where the app was used, the company says.
When the temporary messaging option is enabled by default, an alert will be displayed in the conversation, letting contacts know that the new setting is active.
“That way, it is clear to your contacts that it is not personal, but your choice to communicate more privately on WhatsApp from that moment on,” the statement said.
However, for those who prefer to save messages from a specific conversation forever, just change the setting. It is also possible to exercise control within a conversation.
The novelty can now be used by the latest version of WhatsApp.