WhatsApp warns that it will share user data with Facebook technology

WhatsApp warns that it will share user data with Facebook technology

Hey WhatsApp Started sending a notification on Wednesday (6) about the change in its privacy policy.

Innovation guarantees data sharing FacebookMessaging is related to the owner of the app, and functions like Shopping cart in conversation with stores, Announced last December (Look below).

Acceptance is mandatory and users have no option not to share their personal data.

The notification states, “I accept, by tapping you agree to the new Terms and Privacy Policy, which takes effect on February 8, 2021.”

“After that date, To continue using WhatsApp, you must accept the update. If you prefer to delete your account and would like more information, you can also visit the Help Center“, Continues the application.

Notification with information on WhatsApp’s new privacy rules and policies. – Photo: reproduction / personal collection

The last time the app changed a major privacy policy was in 2016, but people May refuse to share data With Facebook.

What will be shared?

The conditions, which came into effect from 8 February, have sections that allow Facebook-linked companies to store, manage and process WhatsApp data.

Uses the messaging application End-to-end encryption, which means that only sender and recipient can view the content.

  • Registration information, such as phone number;
  • Ip address;
  • Information about the device used;
  • Transaction and payment data;
  • Information about how you interact with others (including businesses).

Facebook companies accessing WhatsApp users’ data are Facebook Payments, Onavo, Facebook Technologies and CrowdTangle.

Integration with other products

According to the company, the information can be used for:

  • Help improve infrastructure and distribution systems;
  • Understand how services are used;
  • Promote safety, security and integrity in all products;
  • Improve services and experiences, including suggestions for users (such as recommending content, engaging with groups or friends);
  • Integration to connect WhatsApp to other Facebook products.

The last item mentions integration with Facebook Pay, the basis for which Whatsapp payment system, Which came to trial in Brazil last year, but was Blocked by Central Bank and CAD..

In December, WhatsApp announced Shopping cart function In conversation with stores. The facility helps organize orders and does not include payment solutions – at least for now, which is in the company’s plans.

In addition, there is mention “Enable conversation with your friends on other Facebook products” (A smart speaker with the company’s camera and screen).

In 2019, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed plans Integrate WhatsApp with Messenger and Instagram Direct, Both chat apps that belong to his company.

In September, the company Instagram and Messenger messages included, Messenger allows users to interact with people on Instagram and initiate video calls and vice versa. The option is still in the testing phase.

Allegations of monopoly in the United States

As part of this strategy, the company cited the purchase of then-emerging rivals Instagram and WhatsApp – in billionaire deals that closed in 2012 and 2014, respectively. The committee is considering the possibility that this can be undone.

Integration of these applications goes against solutions offered by US authorities, Selling or divesting these assets involves.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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