WhatsApp Web requires biometrics to free up functionality on computer – Daniel Praciano

WhatsApp Web requires biometrics to free up functionality on computer – Daniel Praciano

Users of WhatsApp Starting today, 28, A. New security option. a Web version The application can now be accessed only with the action of Biometric confirmation (Digital or facial recognition). It’s not enough to read only QR code like before. This should be another action aimed at expanding anti-coup measures of the Facebook group’s proprietary tool.

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Yes it can Help in combating scams. Combined with two-step authentication, requesting biometrics to use WhatsApp on a new computer would be a useful tool against attackers.

how does it work

When you try to log in Whatsapp web On a new computer, you will be asked to authenticate using biometrics which may be fingerprints or Face ID in the case of the iPhone. Once this process is completed, the application continues to read the QR code which will give you access to the WhatsApp web.

Updates will be available gradually to all users And no additional configuration is required. The lock will be standard for all. The company guarantees in a message on its Instagram that it will not see its face or fingerprint data and will not save it for future use. we will see.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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