when is Mothers Day? Google wrong

when is Mothers Day?  Google wrong

Mother’s Day is only officially celebrated in Brazil on the second Sunday in May – which is on the next 9. Google Anticipated and performed a special doodle commemorating the date today. Due to which many people got confused.

In Social Networks, Brazilians commented on the shock when they thought that Mother’s Day was celebrated this Sunday (2) because of the portrayal on the Google homepage. But the company admitted the failure and took the commemorative card from the air.

If you too got scared and thought that today is Mother’s Day, you can settle down. In a note sent to Nata, Google’s press office in Brazil admitted the error.

“We apologize, since in Brazil, unlike other countries, the date is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Our team has already fixed the problem and paid tribute to the day in which the country is celebrated is.” company.

Who missed it can still check the doodle that Google should relaunch next Sunday. To access google.com/doodles, It is possible to see the interactive art that search engines have created to date. By clicking on the artwork, it is possible to create a personal virtual card through social networks or to share E-mail.

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According to the same website, the tribute was shown to users in Portugal, Spain, Hungary and Lithuania today. The same example was shown on Mother’s Day 2020 in Brazil.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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