Windows 10 21 H2: Microsoft plans taskbar with floating menu

Windows 10 21 H2: Microsoft plans taskbar with floating menu

Microsoft is preparing major optical changes for Windows 10 behind the scenes, which users should reach in the second half of the year with an update to Windows 10 212-2. The code for the current preview build already contains new floating menus with round corners that can be rendered in the build.

So far, it has only been seen on so-called mockups without official approval by Microsoft, but the new design for the menus in the taskbar has now come in Windows 10 code, such as Windows latest Reported. New elements of @TheXamlGuy on Twitter. With the help of Visual Studio and ShellExperienceHost.exe debugging, the corresponding flag “JumpListRestyledAcrylic” can be set to get a new view.

Looking at the photos, Windows 10 21 H2, which is being developed by Microsoft under the name Code Sun “Valley” and will be released as an update in the second half of 2021, will no longer use the menus associated with the taskbar , Rather these “floating” displays are floating above the taskbar and also feature round corners for the menu. This optical reasoning is also planned for areas such as Action Center, Time Menu, Volume or WLAN Menu. The changes are no coincidence, as they were already seen in the preview build of Windows 10X. Already can be found in code that can now be further customized by Microsoft until it is published to the general public. A first impression of realization is still possible. The currently still visible frame should not appear in the final version.

Floating menu in Windows 10 (image: Windows latest)

Announcement in may

The design update should be so extensive that Microsoft should have a plan in place for May under the name “What’s New for Windows”. The announcement could also take place as part of an in-house developer conference build, scheduled in late May in Seattle, Washington, rather than as a purely virtual site. In Build, the first keynote is usually aimed at developers, while a second keynote provides news for users.

The content of the Windows 10 21 H2 update is to be finalized next month and then set for release in October to November this year. The update to Windows 10 21 H1, planned for this spring, also presented as a preview build, aims to fix errors and increase the quality of the operating system. Since 2019, Microsoft has avoided expanding Windows 10 extensively twice a year in terms of content.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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