Yoku Taro read “Neil: Artificial Life Verses. 2.2” and advised you not to think seriously about “1.22474487139”.

Yoku Taro read “Neil: Artificial Life Verses. 2.2” and advised you not to think seriously about “1.22474487139”.

Typically, after a game is released, the manufacturer usually recommends it in conjunction with the publisher’s marketing promotion, but not for “Neil: Artificial Life v.1.22474487139 …” because the game’s story director. Taro is Yokoo. He is a strange and pointless, rather pessimistic game developer. According toMessage from player to Yoko Tarot, It seems that even he himself is not optimistic about the sale of this upgraded version.

Yes, “Neil: Artificial Life v.1.22” is not a remake remake, but a so-called “version upgrade”. In terms of image quality and object processing, it has not reached the level of remastered, but it is still quite similar. Several new elements have been added, including adjustments to the combat system, new side stories and reorganized music.

According to Square Enix’s promotional records in 2018, it announced that the entire series of “Neil” had sold more than 3.7 million sets. At the time, sales of “automated humanoid” had just exceeded 3 million. In other words, “Artificial” 2010 produced “Life” was released on the PS3 and the total sales of the Xbox 360 should be around 700,000 sets. This may be because Yoko Taro lacks confidence.


It is interesting that never mind, the pessimists, what you say to Yoko Taro, always have some kind of hype and funny effect.

Hi, everyone, I am Taro Yoku, creative director of “Neil: Artificial Life v.1.22”.

The game is an “improved version” of the “Neil” work 10 years ago. That’s right, it’s not a remake or remaster, it’s an “enhanced version”.

You know, in fact, I only planned to do a remaster in the beginning. Improve image quality, resolution, etc … But once I thought about it, I started thinking about re-adjusting the module, or changing the background modeling, etc., and then we got It was quickly discovered that this required a lot of things. To be replaced.

I mean, hasn’t Square Enix released a remake of “Final Fantasy 7” recently? When I saw that thing, I thought to myself, it would be very embarrassing if I compared my game to this amazing masterpiece, so I finally decided to call it “Artificial Life v.1.22”, an advanced one. Version.

By the way, the series of numbers behind the title of the game is just what I casually thought, so please don’t think too deeply.

Also, in recent years, every time I went to Square Enix, those people always looked at us enthusiastically, as if they were saying, “Look,” Neil: Autohumanoid “sells so well, so “Neil: Artificial” life “now sells well too. “If I had a chance to tell Square Enix, I would hope that they would recognize the reality. These two games only have similar names and have completely different content.

I mean, please, that’s what I did! “Auto-configure” is a long-selling one, but the sale of my other works just isn’t worth mentioning. If you really want to, just produce CDs and store them all in inventory. The only thing we can have fun is to play them as Frisbees. However, it sounds a lot more fun …

Now, in this moment, behind me is a group of the Square Enix marketing team. They are staring at me and saying, “Yoko, you bastard, hurry up and promote the game well!” However, they are at this point. Is it useful to do these things? It is better to leave everything and let’s take a day off. I’m serious, until you break the level a few times, otherwise you won’t understand what the game is talking about. However, it is very difficult for players to play and leave comments in a short time…

So, compared to these, we go home first and film for our parents. Yes, I think it is a positive help for the world.

Yoko-tarot-card-card-16x9 (1) -522yvvtj

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This is followed by Yosuke Sato’s message. He and Platinum Studios and Yoku Taro have jointly created “Neil: Auto Figure”, which has sold more than 5 million sets worldwide. This time also it has to be “Artificial Life v.1.22”. “Propaganda Endorsement.” .

We call it the “enhanced version”, but don’t listen to Mr. Yoko’s bullshit. I personally feel that the man’s comment is inappropriate for the team’s quality efforts.

I would say that the great success of “Neil: Autohumonoid” is something miraculous, so I don’t think it will sell well this time either … but if we don’t sell a certain amount, Mr. Yoku and I are about to be forced to travel around the world, driving trucks full of games to sell them everywhere. Ah, Mr. Okabe (music producer of the Neil series) should also be together!

Well, now that you all understand, please support the Neil series. Please, except truck …


Apparently, the self-depiction style of Taro Yoko, the creator of “Neil: Autohumanoid”, has become a way of publicity, but one thing is right that “Artificial Life” is similar to “Autohumanoid”, which needs approval. Only the first time you can see the full story of the work.

“Neil: Artificial Life v.1.22474487139 …” is released on April 23 on PS4, Xbox One and PC Steam. The game includes several elements related to “Neil: Autohumanoid”, including Yohoha costume styling, autohumanoid BGM, and special Siu performances. At the same time, the game will also add the costumes of the original DLC “Chanker” and “Kaiwuzh”. And “15 Nightmares” is a difficult dungeon level.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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