Youtube can pay up to R$ 50,000 per month with new feature

Youtube can pay up to R$ 50,000 per month with new feature

Content creators will now have another option to earn money youtube. The video platform intends to pay up to US $ 10 thousand per month, around $ 50 thousand.

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The new Youtube Shorts tool will get paid for the content that goes viral. The idea is to bring to the platform what TikTok does so well: popular videos.

Monetization starts this month

According to the website The Verge, it is projected to invest US$100 million in 2022. The first payments should start in August 2021.

Although the amount fills the eyes of content creators, payment is not a guarantee. This is because billing will depend on how many people are creating and viewing Shorts. In addition, the location of the breeder also affects the amount you will receive.

In addition to the above requirements, the video must be original. In other words, it is not allowed to resend or use watermarked videos from other networks.

The good news is that the resource is present in 10 regions, including Brazil. The United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom are also participating.

Payment will be as per relevance

Traditionally, YouTube pays content creators through ads. Advertisements are reproduced in the video and depend on the channel’s audience. With shorts, the relevance of the content produced is paid for.

In this way, payment is routed directly between YouTube and the creator. Thus, the Shorts Fund will be replaced by a “long-term scalable monetization program”. So says Neil Mohan, director of products at YouTube.

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The new form of profit should become increasingly common within the platform. hey TIC Toc And Snapchat are examples of how logic works. Creators are paid according to the popularity and relevance of what they publish. Despite being more profitable, there is not that much transparency in the working of payment processing.

Mohan also stresses that creators will not need to use shorts to monetize content. “If producers want to do this through a two-hour documentary on a particular topic they are passionate about, YouTube should be the place to do that. If they want to do that then through a 15-second short that mixes their favorite hits from their favorite artists, they should be able to do that,” he concluded.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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