10 translator application options other than Google Translate

10 translator application options other than Google Translate

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

to date, Google translation Is still the choice of many Internet users worldwide as a tool translatorEither as a website or mobile application.

However, it is a fact that Google Translate is not the only translation tool. In addition to Google Translate, there are ten alternative translator apps and sites that can be your bidding option. Bit.i And other sources.

Google Translate also always tries to update features to improve the quality of its service, from voice recognition technology to text in the form of images.

This translation, shaded by Google, already has a database of 103 languages ​​in the world, including regional languages ​​in Indonesia such as Javanese and Sundanese. No wonder it makes Google translate in demand by many.

Here are 10 alternative translator sites and applications for Google Translate that provide accurate translation results:

1. Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator offers two versions, namely Business and Personal. The application is available on Windows, iOS and Android operating systems.

Microsoft Translator can help you translate images, screenshots, text and voice translations for over 60 languages. In addition, translations can be downloaded as documents and can also be read offline.

Microsoft Translator provides integration with other Microsoft applications such as MS Office and Skype, even available on the Microsoft Translator smartwatch (Smart watch) is.

2. iTranslate

The next Google Translate alternative application and site is the iTranslate application developed by the Sonico Mobile company. This app helps you translate text, websites or words with meaning and even verb conjugations into more than 100 languages.

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The ITranslate application is designed for all types of operating systems such as Windows, iOS, Mac, Google Play and Kindle Fire. This Google translation option is a software that can translate anything by simply typing text or voice-to-voice.

3. Language

Apart from Google Translate, there are many alternative translator apps and sites. (Photo: iStockphoto / alexsl)

Lingue is a web-based service launched in 2009 that allows you to translate single words or sentences instead of paragraphs and supports more than 25 dialects.

Like other language translators, you can also use them offline. Unfortunately, this software supports only three languages ​​namely French, German and Dutch.

4. Babylon Translator

Babylon has 1,700 dictionaries and dictionaries in various languages. This translation site dates back nearly 19 years and is claimed to provide accurate results in the form of a thesaurus or dictionary.

Unlike other translation software, Babylon translates documents as MS Office without losing the original format. Babylon allows you to translate more than 77 languages ​​including English and Dutch.

5. Inverse Translation

SHANGHAI, China, DECEMBER - 2018 - People are using Google Translate to read Chinese characters Category, Shanghai, ChinaPhoto: istalkphoto / rudimencial
Many applications and sites can be alternative translators in addition to Google Translate.

Reverso Translation is another intuitive software called SoftSimo Inc. Has been developed by the company. The software is claimed to have been used by more than six million users worldwide.

You can easily learn about words and expressions in many languages ​​like English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Arabic and more.

Reverso Translation is a translator that can also give you idiomatic phrases and suggestive words when writing a text.

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With Reverso, you can share the results of your translation with others via email or social media such as Twitter, Facebook and others.

6. TripLingo Translator

Triplingo is one of the best apps that foreign tourists often use. You can learn important phrases, translate your voice notes quickly. Apart from this, you also get short courses on local culture while traveling to different countries.

TripLingo supports voice and text based translations in more than 42 languages. An interesting feature is that this translator provides an emergency number of 911.

7. Memsrot

Memsource is a cloud-based translation platform designed to support secure and accessible translators.

The software provides intuitive translation tools for those who use it to support work productivity.

8. Yandex Translation

Yandex translationYandex Translate is an alternative translation app and site in addition to Google Translate (Photo: Yandex Translate)

After looking similar to Google Translate, Yandex Translate is considered one of the best and accurate translation sites in Russia. Yandex can also be called the ‘Google’ of Russia.

Yandex translation also has the same characteristics and functions as other translators. Translating words or sentences from one language to another.

The look by Yandex Translation also looks simple with shades of yellow. You can access Yandex Translate in two ways, namely website translated.yandex.com and application which can be downloaded through Play Store or App Store.

9. Translation. Com

One translation site that is no less accurate is Translate.com. The site offers translation from one language to another such as translation services in a generally practical and simple way.

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Translate.com provides three types of methods that can be chosen to translate, namely picture, sound and text.

In addition, foreign documents can also be translated by taking photographs directly and uploading them to the site. Then automatically, the site will immediately translate the words into photos.

10. Bing Translator

One of Google’s competitors, Bing, also does not want to surpass it by releasing a translator feature called Bing Translator. Bing Translator is known as the best translator service other than Google Translate.

Typically Bing Translator’s accuracy compared to Google Translate is sufficient in some cases for sentence translation.

Through Bing Translator, users can also enter the URL of the site they wish to translate. It is definitely more practical and easier to do. To use Bing Translator, you can visit the site dibing.com/translator.

They are ten alternative sites and Google Translate alternative translator websites that you can use if you want to get a different experience and features.

(Day / fjr)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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