Airport Girl: Sexual harassment with mobile camera sparks controversy in Egypt

Airport Girl: Sexual harassment with mobile camera sparks controversy in Egypt
  • ahmed shousha
  • BBC – Cairo

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basma beshay

At Cairo International Airport, Basma shouted to her friend that the employee sitting there was taking pictures of her without her knowledge. She then ran with her husband and her friend’s husband to catch him when he fled.

Shortly before that, the employee was sitting at the top of an office in the customs area, holding his phone, his lens pointed at passengers, twirling his legs as he watched everyone take their bags to the airport. Putting on cars. This is how Basma began his story in his interview with BBC Arabic.

Basma Beshai became the heroine of a video clip she published crying while she was at the airport to help her friends, as the clip became a topic of discussion on social media after millions of views, and Egypt prompted the Public Prosecution. Cairo Airport Administration to take immediate action.

Basma tells us that what irritated her, as seen in the video clip, is that the employee was “treating her with a chuckle, as if she believed it was impossible to harm her by the act.” ..”

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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