America will send 3 million doses of vaccine directly to Brazil. world

America will send 3 million doses of vaccine directly to Brazil.  world

You America Outside the Covax mechanism, Janssen will donate 3 million doses of the Kovid-19 vaccine directly to Brazil. They will be deported from the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Thursday (24), and will arrive at the airport in Viracopos in Campinas.

This is the largest number of vaccines the US has donated to any country so far.

Janssen’s immunizing agent from Johnson & Johnson Group is administered in a single dose. On Tuesday, the first batch with 1.5 million types of vaccines procured by the Brazilian government, arrived in the country.

Juan Gonzales, a top adviser to Latin American President Joe Biden, said the donation to Brazil reflects the government’s focus on fighting Covid in one of the regions most affected by the pandemic.

Another US official said that there is a lot of concern about the Brazilian version and the high number of infections in the country.

White House on Monday (21) Plan to share 55 million doses worldwide, of which 14 million will be destined for Latin America and the Caribbean – which includes Brazil.

About 75% of these doses will be distributed through the Covax Facility, a COVID-19 vaccine sharing program coordinated by the WHO (World Health Organization) and earmarked for poor countries. The other 25% will go to “regional preferences”.

Earlier this month the distribution of the first 25 million doses was announced – and that included Brazil (see video below). From this first shipment, there were six million doses to Latin America and the Caribbean. All of them will be delivered by the end of this month, according to a White House statement.

US to send 80 million doses of vaccine to other countries

US to send 80 million doses of vaccine to other countries

half a billion more vaccines

In addition to the distribution of these 80 million doses that have already been produced, the US announced on the 10th that Will buy and donate another 500 million vaccines from Pfizer (see video below).

They will also be distributed by Kovax to 92 poor countries. Nations such as Afghanistan, Angola and Syria will receive the dose by 2022.

Brazil is part of the consortium, but would not benefit from these doses as it is considered capable of purchasing the vaccines itself.

US announces Pfizer donation of 500 million doses to poor countries
US announces Pfizer donation of 500 million doses to poor countries

US announces Pfizer donation of 500 million doses to poor countries

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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