Astronomers discover giant X-ray bubbles above and below the Milky Way – RT World News

Astronomers discover giant X-ray bubbles above and below the Milky Way - RT World News

A new survey of the sky in the X-ray spectrum has hid hitherto unseen, but incredibly large, structures in the Milky Way and beyond in plain sight.

The structures under consideration are large X-ray bubbles, protruding from the galactic center and rising both above and below the galactic plane.

That they are so big Fermi bubbles The humanity of gamma radiation has already been observed.

The discovery was made by a team of astronomers led by Peter Predell of the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

Predel and his team suspect that really large X-rays and Fermi bubbles are connected and may share a common, violent point.

The upper and lower regions of the Milky Way, or the disk portion of the vast majority of matter in the Milky Way, including stars, planets, nebulae, and various other bodies, are comparatively empty.

In 2010, the Fermi gamma-ray telescope observed so-called Fermi bubbles, hotspots filled with hot gas and magnetic fields that detect gate radiation, emitting about 30,000 light-years in each direction.

Key theories suggest that these bubbles are the result of past activity at the galactic center, but no one knows exactly what could have happened. Many speculate that this may have been caused by a massive mass of star births occurring almost simultaneously, or perhaps an angry storm from a supersonic black hole that is now extinct.

Against this background, the recent scientific discovery of these giant X-ray bubbles may allow community nitty-gritty to be linked to the source of both types of bubbles.

X-ray bubbles were observed by Erosita, an X-ray telescope mounted on a spectral-RG re-surveillance that had previously been captured on a galaxy map that humanity had never seen before.

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Really giant X-ray bubbles emit 45,661 light-years from the galactic center and bind Fermi bubbles.

“Fermi bubbles and large-scale X-ray emissions revealed by Erosita show extraordinary morphological similarities,” he said. The researchers wrote in their paper.

“Therefore we suggest that the fermy bubbles and the erosita structure are physically related, and refer to the latter as ‘erosita bubbles’. Our research confirms the common origin of both. ”

Fermi bubbles are oval while Erosita bubbles appear almost perfectly round. Erositas are also quite large and comparable in size to galactic disks.

The edges of Erosita’s bubbles are also brighter with X-rays, indicating that the gas here is hotter than the surrounding gas, suggesting that it may be a kind of shock from a massive get-together event.

While the Starburst activity can explain bubbles, it will be a small fraction of the energy required to create structures of this scale. However, a galactic supermassive black hole that expands content on a large scale can fit the bill, such as ultra-supernova action.

Although speculations and investigations into the bubbles continue, we now have direct evidence that plasma can be discovered thanks to research, which will help us to explore the way and perhaps the beginning of the universe over time.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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