Brazil recounts Brazilian experience vaccinated against Kovid-19 in other countries

Brazil recounts Brazilian experience vaccinated against Kovid-19 in other countries

Deborah Erlich of Brazil receives second dose of vaccine in IsraelPersonal collection

By Hugo Perso

Published 01/17/2021 7:29 AM

While the country looks forward to D-Day and H-Hour – the Ministry of Health is yet to confirm, but this week is the trend – many Brazilians around the world have already been vaccinated against Kovid-19. Generally, they live in countries that have better organized to start a vaccination campaign starting on 8 December in the United Kingdom in an effort to curb the epidemic.

Heard by brazilian women day Wait for a second dose of the vaccine, except for one that has already received both. They say they feel relief and security, even if they retain the care they previously had, which they consider necessary at this time. As they work in the health or care of the elderly, they are part of the priority group in the countries where they live, each with different regulations.

Without any serious side effects, these Brazilians received the vaccine, which is not expected in Brazil – Pfizer / BioNotech and Modern have not yet filed for emergency use in Avisa, only AstraZeneca / Oxford and Coronavac. And they report how the experience was.

Christiaan Ferreira – 39 years old, has lived in the city of New Westminster and has been in Canada for 1 year 5 months. He came from São Bernardo do Campo (SP)

Christiaan Ferreira works with elderly people in Canada and will soon receive a second dose of the vaccine - Personal Archive
Cristian Ferreira of Brazil works with elderly people in Canada and will soon receive a second dose of vaccinePersonal collection

“I took the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNotech vaccine on December 21 and did not have to register. As I work in a homecare facility, I soon had priority. Because we have direct contact with older people. Virus is vulnerable , And we are potential vectors, since they cannot move since the onset of the epidemic, nor receive a visit from the family.

I did not feel anything out of the ordinary, just like other vaccines I had numbness in my arm. In my case, the flu gives me the same response. And after two days it was normal. There is a telephone at your disposal for questions and instructions, and they also inform you about possible side effects, and medications to take.

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There is also a table to get people vaccinated and soon my employer will set a date for the second dose and let me know. For residents, the application was on-site and for workers, we went to a gas station and provided direct work guidance.

For me, working in this environment was obviously not a relief for me, but for the next. I was very afraid of getting sick and carrying the virus to the residents. But I continue the remedy as before, I did not get the vaccine and went away throwing away the mask. Here in Canada, it is not yet open to the general public. Therefore, due to the nature of our work, it is common knowledge to continue the care we used to take. “

Ellen de Abreu – 34 years, lives in Chicago and has been in the United States for 7 years. He came from São Paulo, the capital

Nurse Ellen de Abreu lives in the United States and has received the vaccine from the Pfizer - Personal Archive
Nurse Ellen de Abreu lives in the United States and receives the vaccine from PfizerPersonal collection

“I took the first dose last week from Pfizer / BioNtech on the 4th. The second is scheduled for 28. I have been working for seven years as a nurse and in a hospitalization campaign where I started working from December 20 I have been. Some colleagues who managed to schedule. For that week, they had already taken a second dose. Vaccination is voluntary and so I had to schedule an appointment at the clinic where the vaccines are being administered. Every week the hospital sends an internal email to the staff to make an appointment. According to the number of vaccines available.) In the 20th week, the vacancies were sold out in a few hours as many wanted to be earlier. It’s easier now.

The first dose was smooth. Just mild pain at the injection site, but nothing different from a flu vaccine. My colleagues told me that the second dose has side effects such as fever, drowsiness, and even swelling of the adjacent lymph nodes. But nothing that a remedy does not solve.

The vaccine is definitely relieved, although you still need a second dose. I am a nurse in a pediatric ICU and, although Kovid does not affect children like adults, they can transmit the virus and I can become very ill. Regarding the routine, nothing has changed. I still wear my mask, rubbing alcohol on my hands and avoid touching my face in public places. At work, the same thing and I still use all the precautionary materials. “

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Marcia Quaresma – 55 years old, has been in Portugal since 1978. Prior to this, she lived in Rio de Janeiro

Doctor Marcia Quaresma lives in Portugal and has already taken the first dose of Vaccine - Personal Archive
Doctor Marcia Quaresma lives in Portugal and has already taken the first dose of the vaccinePersonal collection

“I took the first dose from Pfizer / BioNtech on December 30. It was simple. Being a health professional (pediatrician), I am part of the first vaccination phase priority group here in Portugal, including those living in nursing homes There are also elderly people. And interns in institutions, besides professionals and in intensive care units.

First, I received a message via cell phone asking if I would be interested in getting the vaccine, as it is not mandatory. I said yes and I was among the first people to do emergency service. After the vaccine, I only felt pain in my arm and I would be safe about 15 days after the second dose, which I think is the length of time needed for effectiveness. In theory, it is scheduled for the 21st.

Regarding the routine, this will not change. There are still many doubts about the vaccine (as well as about the disease). It is not known how long it provides immunity. It is known to protect against severe forms of the disease, which is already a major qualitative leap. But as it is not well known, it protects against mild infection and the possibility of transmitting the disease to third parties, obviously it is very important to maintain the use of masks, social distance, etc. At least until 70% of the population is vaccinated and has some group immunity. “

Tiansa Green – 42 years old, lives in Dallas, USA. She is from marangpe, sera

Brazilian Tiana Green is a nurse in Dallas, United States - Personal Archive
Tiana Green, a Brazilian, is a nurse in Dallas, United StatesPersonal collection

“As I am a nurse (I graduated from Fortaleza University and have validated my diploma here), I was vaccinated because I am among the priorities in the state of Texas as a health professional. I have 4 Took Modern Vaccine on the 5th and 2nd dose. Scheduled for February 3. Here, you can take it to work or you can schedule it by calling at a government-accredited clinic or pharmacy.

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I had no side effects or reactions, just the usual hand pain of a vaccine. The feeling is relieved because I had high hopes that I might be able to hug again and see my parents in Brazil. They are over 80 years old and in isolation. Now I can think of traveling to Brazil again.

And nothing has changed in my routine, because I know that the vaccine is not 100% immunized and I can still take it home or take it. My husband did not take it because he is not in the priority group. Also, my patients are at work and I need to be careful. Although I no longer have the virus, I can take it with my hands, clothes, stethoscope.

I hope that (our experience) will help to make people aware in Brazil. If only a few people get the vaccine, it won’t do any good.

Deborah Erlich – 48 years, living in Tel Aviv, Israel for 27 years. It came from Rio de Janeiro.

Deborah Erlich of Brazil receives second dose of vaccine in Israel - Personal Archive
Deborah Erlich of Brazil receives second dose of vaccine in IsraelPersonal collection

“This Thursday (14th) I took a second dose of Pfizer / BioNtech. As I am a hospital employee (I am a social worker and psychiatrist at Children’s Hospital Schneider on the outskirts of Tel Aviv), I received a text message in which I Was invited. To vaccinate.

The sting itself is like any vaccine. I did not feel anything on the first dose. In another, I understood that there are more likely side effects such as fever, muscle pain. I like it to be Kovid-19.

The vaccine was very positively received in Israel. The population is being vaccinated. Of course, I feel relieved, because Kovid-19 is a devastating virus that has long-term consequences, great misery and many deaths. Despite vaccinations, our routine has not changed. We continue to use masks, avoid crowds and protect the most fragile. This is our social responsibility. I believe that in a month or two, we will see the effects of the vaccine and return to normal life. ”

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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