Half the world’s voyage, a bottle thrown into the sea by an American boy, found in Northern Ireland three years later. look how good

Half the world’s voyage, a bottle thrown into the sea by an American boy, found in Northern Ireland three years later.  look how good

“We moved to Ocean City beach more than a mile off the coast and we played and he started sailing,” Sasha Yonyak said in an interview with NBC.

a boy from Maryland, in weAnd his neighbor filled a written message in a bottle and left it in the sea. Three years later, the same package was found in the water of a couplean ireland do noroFeather

14 year old boy put bottle in sea next to his neighbor. The message was found and read to a couple three (3) years later. – Photo: NBC

Sasha made arrangements with his neighbor (known as Mr. Wayne) and they met to bottle water.

Three years after that date, a couple found a message while walking on the beach Northern Ireland, Ciaran Maron and Rita Simmonds saw a unique possibility in that moment.

“We knew anyway we had a message in a bottle and we were really excited (…) on a magical journey.” , announced the couple.

After this both started looking for the author of the message. Through a social network they reached out to Sasha’s father, Vlad Yonyak.

“It’s great to hear that the bottle has arrived in Ireland,” said the boy’s father.

“This bottle just reflects the happy life and good times spent with them,” commented Vlad.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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