How to know if someone tried to unlock your phone? See 4 Ways | Security

How to know if someone tried to unlock your phone?  See 4 Ways |  Security

Apps Available for download on cell phone Android Can warn you when intruders try to tamper with your cell phone without permission. In addition to notifying the exact time of the last screen unlock, the apps are able to take selfies of intruders, and in some cases, even trigger audible alarms to alert the smartphone owner of a potential theft. Here is a list of four apps that can be useful in finding out who tried to unlock your device without your consent.

How do I know if my cell phone has been tampered with? The list brings up four app options that alert potential intruders – Photo: Pond5

How to Unlock Cell Phone If Forgot Password? Check out the alternatives on the TechTudo forum.

1. Use the App crook catcher to take a picture of the invader

hey crook catcher App is only available for AndroidAnd brings up an interesting proposition: When someone repeatedly tries to unlock the cell phone and remembers the password, the app takes a selfie and sends a picture of a “nosybody” by email, containing the cell phone at the time of the attempt. has a place. Happened. – that is, if the location permission is enabled.

The app requires a specific permission to work and requires the user to enable the “Device Administrator” option. With this feature enabled, the user gives some attribution to the app, and allows it to monitor the number of incorrectly entered passwords and even from the device if there are too many wrong attempts. Erases data. In-spite of this, crook catcher guarantees that it does not delete any user data.

However, it’s worth bearing in mind that this type of authorization can be a bit aggressive. Therefore, before installing and granting permissions to the app, check the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies to understand whether the application works as you wish.

Crookcatcher takes selfies of intruders who try to tamper with your cell phone – Photo: Reproduction / Clara Fabro

It is also worth mentioning that with the Administrator app role, it is not possible to uninstall crook catcher cell phone in the traditional way. So, if you want to remove it from your phone, the first thing you have to do is disable the permission. along with crook catcher It only recognizes passwords and patterns with more than four digits – so if you use screen lock by fingerprint only, the platform shouldn’t work.

The platform also has some premium features, which can be unlocked for R$6. One of the paid functions is the triggering of an alarm if there are multiple unsuccessful attempts to unlock, the option to hide the app on the cell phone, capture the audio in 15 seconds and show a message on the device screen for the attacker to read. alternative. The app also displays ads, which are stopped with a subscription.

2. Use ThirdEye App to Take Intruder’s Photo

simultaneously crook catcherThirdEye also takes selfies to notify the user if someone tries to login to the phone. Platform is only available for Android and, just like crook catcherIn addition to requesting access to override other apps – also requires access to the admin app permission.

With ThirdEye installed on the cell phone, the user receives an alert whenever he tries to unlock the smartphone and makes a mistake. That way, when the device owner has a cell phone, he or she can check the time the screen was last unlocked – which allows you to know if anyone has used the device before. Is. In addition, you can also see photos of the intruder, in case there are false unlocking attempts.

Third Eye notifies the user if an intruder tries to tamper with his cell phone – Photo: Reproduction / Adriano Ferreira

Selfies of potential intruders are available in the “Photo Log” tab at the time the photos were taken. In “General” it is possible to check more information about the period in which the cell phone was unlocked. For example, in the “Unlock log”, you can check the exact time the device is accessed and the average usage time after unlocking.

There is also a paid version of the platform, which costs R $ 2.99. Despite this, the premium version of the service does not unlock new features, it only removes the display of ads.

3. Use the WTWP app to find out how many password login attempts were made

Another app that can be useful to know if someone else has tried to access a cell phone is WTWP (Who Took My Phone?). Like the others, the platform is also able to report that the device Also show how many access attempts were made, the time the cell phone was unlocked and a selfie of those who moved the cell phone.

In addition, WTWP notifies you when there is a failed unlock attempt. So, when an intruder tries to access the phone and misses the password five times in a row, it will be possible to check for a notification on the home screen of the app with a “Device not unlocked” alert.

WTWP allows you to check how many times a phone has been unlocked – Photo: Reproduction / Clara Fabro

4. Use the app Don’t touch my phone! To trigger alarm after unlock attempts

Hey don’t touch my cell phone! It can also help you find out if someone has tried to tamper with your smartphone without your consent. Through the app, it is possible to activate a motion alarm that sounds when the owner is away from the cell phone. That way, if someone tries to pick up the device or disconnect it from the charger, for example, the app triggers an audible alert that only deactivates when the phone is unlocked and the “Stop” button is pressed.

Through the platform, it is still possible to set a PIN to add an extra layer of security to the app. As such, to stop the alarm it would be necessary to unlock the cell phone and provide the PIN of the application itself. Hey don’t touch my cell phone! only available for Android And it also has a premium version. The paid tool, which costs R$ 2.99, does not provide additional functions, it only blocks the display of ads.

Hey don’t touch my cell phone! Allows you to activate a motion alarm which triggers an audible alert – Photo: Reproduction / Clara Fabro

with information from To use And techmythic

See also: how to set fingerprint/password in whatsapp on iphone

how to set fingerprint/password in whatsapp on iphone

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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