India launches vaccination campaign with challenge to reach 1.3 billion people

The goal is to inject two doses as quickly as possible into the 30 million citizens in the health sector and the most vulnerable groups; In six months, 300 million people will be vaccinated

India launched its major vaccination campaign against coronavirus this Saturday (16), aiming to vaccinate 300 million of its 1.3 billion inhabitants, while pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced it was delaying doses to Europe Can reduce. .

The campaign was started by health professionals. “Now we have a glimpse of hope,” said Santa Roy, a hospital employee in the city of Calcutta.

The objective is huge: inject two doses as quickly as possible into the 30 million citizens in the health sector and the most vulnerable groups, and then reach a total of 300 million vaccines in just six months.

Kovid-19 has already killed more than 2 million people worldwide, and countries are simultaneously facing new variants of the virus and launching vaccination campaigns.

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Pfizer, associated with German laboratory BioNtech, has announced plans to limit delays in delivering the vaccine to one week, while a longer period of “three to four weeks” is expected in Europe.

The two companies announced in a joint statement, “Pfizer and Bayonet plan to increase manufacturing capacity in Europe and deliver several more doses in the second quarter.”

“We will return to the EU’s initial schedule of deliveries from the week of January 25, with deliveries increasing from the week of February 15,” he said.

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Pfizer warned on Friday (15) that due to work at a production site in Puers, Belgium, it would delay delivery, with news that provoked a trivial response from several European countries, epidemic among the worst contagion numbers. beginning of.

Spain rules house arrest –

By region, Europe is most affected, with 653,087 deaths, followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (545,472) and the United States and Canada (409,842), with Saturday’s AFP number of 8 Brasília times.

In Spain, cases increased by 168% and internal criticism intensified. Five regions have asked the central government to roll back strict home imprisonment, but Health Minister Salvador Illa said on Saturday that he had no such intention.

France began its new curfew on Saturday at 6 pm (2am Brasilia time), the day Portugal opened a new imprisonment, despite the schools being opened.

About 10,000 protesters took to the streets of Vienna to protest the use of force in Austria and the imposition of sanctions.

Hope for vaccines

As per AFP calculations based on official sources, at least 35.61 million doses have been given to 58 countries and regions around the world hoping to turn the page on the epidemic.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adenholm Ghebaius demanded, “In the next hundred days these vaccination campaigns need to become widespread worldwide.”

The next day after promising a $ 1.9 million financial stimulus plan, United States President-Elect, Joe Biden on Friday promised to accelerate the vaccination campaign by establishing “thousands” of community centers.

But the expectation of widespread vaccination does not survive political allegations. The head of US diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, again accused Beijing of covering up the real origins of the virus, the day after a WHO team arrived in the Chinese city of Wuhan to investigate the matter.

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The diplomat said diseases such as Kovid-19 were already rotating among staff at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the fall of 2019 and urged WHO experts to “put pressure on China’s government” with this “new information” Was.

Beijing is conducting intensive public relations campaigns around the world to face such allegations. According to senior Filipino officials, Wang Yi, the head of Chinese diplomacy, has pledged to donate one and a half million doses of the vaccine made by his country. A million doses to Cambodia were announced earlier.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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