India set the world record of Kovid’s affairs for the 5th consecutive day.

India set the world record of Kovid’s affairs for the 5th consecutive day.

Five Days, Five Sad Records: The India 352,991 cases were registered COVID-19 This Monday (26) and Crossed once again, 5th day in a row, marking the highest daily number of infected in the world.

The country, which is facing its worst moment of epidemic, recorded 2,812 new deaths and Brazil The country with the most victims of the new coronovirus in one day.

It was the 13th day of increase in the number of deaths and it was the 6th consecutive record in the country., Which rose to 195,000 deaths and 17.3 million confirmed cases according to Indian government data.

a India Explosions in number of infections and A. Collapse in hospitals, People dying in line for a bed and suffering from lack of medicine and oxygen.

The United States, United Kingdom and Germany pledged to send aid to the country, As inputs for vaccine production, medical equipment, and protective equipment.

Amid the worst moment of the pandemic, a India asked Twitter To fill dozens of posts criticizing the Government of India – including some made by local MPs.

The request was partially fulfilled, And a spokesperson for the social network interviewed by the Reuters news agency confirmed that some tweets were made below due to a “legal request”.

Twitter says it is obliged to comply with the request.

Indian authorities use the country’s 2000 Technology Information Act, which has a clause on “protecting the sovereignty and integrity of India”.

In an interview with Hour 1 (see below)Brazilian Ambassador to India André Aranha Corsa do Lago says he believes the country’s grave situation makes the potential export of vaccines unforgivable.

Lago also says that the new wave of Kovid-19 influenced the work of the Brazilian Embassy.

Two diplomats and some officials are suspected of infection and are awaiting the results of the tests. A case has already been confirmed.

India suspends vaccine exports after records of Kovid cases

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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