India sets new world record for daily Kovid affairs

India sets new world record for daily Kovid affairs

India on Thursday recorded (6) A Kovid – New world record for 19 cases (more than 412,000) and highest number of deaths in the country (3,8080)According to government data.

Statistics from the Indian Ministry of Health increase the number of infected people to over 21.1 million and the number of deaths to over 230 thousand.

The country was responsible for 49% of cases and 28% of deaths recorded on the planet in the last 49 hours.According to data from “Our World in Data”, a project involving Oxford University.

But experts believe the official figures are far below reality and the worst case scenario will still occur in a few weeks.

Explosion of cases and deaths by Kovid-19 in India: Understand in 5 points

Number of cases exploded Caused the collapse of hospitals, Who face beds, medicine and lack of oxygen. Cremation grounds are unable to accommodate the volume of bodies.

Many die at home or at the doors of hospitals, waiting for bed or oxygen. Relatives are required to pay for prisoners’ medical supplies and even cremation firewood.

Cremation of 25 victims of Kovid-19 at an open-crematorium built on 5 May 2021 in a granite mine on the outskirts of Bengaluru, India.

Prime Minister’s Government Narendra Modi has faced harsh criticism for refusing national lockout and issuing religious festivals and election rallies., Which gathered a crowd.

As the second wave surges in the country, many areas have adopted restrictive measures, including the capital New Delhi and the most populous state, Maharashtra, where the Mumbai financial center is located.

Country’s health declines The government quickly celebrated the “end of the epidemic” and failed to mitigate the effects of the second wave of the virus..

In January, Modi said at the World Economic Forum in Davos that “India has succeeded in saving so many lives, we have saved all humanity from a great tragedy”.

In March, Indian Health Minister Harsh Vardhan announced that the country was in the “final phase” of the epidemic. Vardhan also said that the country was better prepared to face the second wave..

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Yet in the middle of the second wave, K. Vijay Raghavan, The Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of India said that a third wave was “inevitable, given the current high level of contamination”..

With the explosion of cases, new forms may emerge. There is a suspicion that a new strain of coronavirus, the B.1.617, Contributed to the severity of the second wave.

to worsen, The country suffers from problems with its vaccination against Kovid-19, even though it is the largest defenseman in the world.

Warning about lack of vaccines against Kovid-19 at an immunization center in Mumbai, India, on April 20, 2021 – Photo: Francis Mascarenhas / Reuters

a India Is the third country to date (over 157 million) has applied supplements, only behind China (284 million) and America (247 million), But the vaccination rate has dropped dramatically.

The average number of vaccines administered per day has halved in less than a month., From the peak of 3.6 million on April 10, when the country overtook the country America, Currently stands at 1.84 million.

The second most populous country in the world, with more than 1.3 billion inhabitants, India Only 11.4 doses are applied per 100 inhabitants, which is less. China (19.7) and world average (15.3).

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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