Israel will be the first country to estimate Opas

Israel will be the first country to estimate Opas

The deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Jarbus Barbosa, today speculated that Israel would be the first country in the world to receive collective immunity against Kovid-19.

In a conversation with users of social networks, the expert reported that the vaccine’s collective protection, also known as herd immunity, is achieved when a percentage of the vaccinated population is able to protect them Those who have not been vaccinated, a number that varies depending on the disease.

“For Kovid, we believe that we have to reach at least 70% of the vaccinated population to think about controlling transmission. Other models speak for up to 90%,” Barbosa said.

He said, “We have to see what happens in real life. I think Israel will be the first country to reach 70% and we will see what happens in Israel.”

Since December, Israel has vaccinated four, or 45% of its population, of its nine million inhabitants, the highest vaccination rate in the world.

According to official figures, the per capita vaccination campaign is considered the fastest in the world, with 2.6 million people already receiving the second dose. The country plans to have more than 16 vaccinations by the end of March.

So far, Israel has only used the Pfizer / BioNotech vaccine, although it has a small stock of immunizers developed by the American biotechnology company Modern.

Israel ensured a good supply of vaccines from Pfizer after the United States reached a data sharing agreement with the manufacturer.

The agreement states that Israel, which has the most sophisticated medical data system in the world, will share real-time information about the vaccine’s effects, including advances regarding mass vaccination.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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