‘Joe Biden is a very weak president, can start wars’: Chinese government adviser | World News

‘Joe Biden is a very weak president, can start wars’: Chinese government adviser |  World News
BEIJING: China should abandon the illusion that its relations with the United States under Biden’s administration will improve on their own, said an adviser to the Chinese government. Washington.
Zhen Yongyan, dean of the Shenzhen-based think tank Advanced Institute of Global and Contemporary China Studies, said the Chinese government should use every opportunity to improve relations with the United States, according to the South China Morning Post.
“The good old days are over … Cold War hawks “The United States has been a very dynamic state for many years and it will not disappear overnight,” Zheng said in a recent interview at the China Accord Conference in Guangzhou.
Zheng, who attended a speech hosted by President Xi Jinping in August to offer advice on China’s long-term strategy, said there was now a bilateral agreement in the United States to keep China.
Zheng said the president-elect could take advantage of public resentment against China after Biden’s entry. White House. “American society is broken. I don’t think Biden can do anything about it, “Zheng said.
“He is certainly a very weak president. If he cannot resolve domestic issues, he will do something on the diplomatic front, against China. If we say we have no interest in promoting Trump. Democracy And freedom is Biden. (President Donald) Trump is not interested in war … but Democratic presidents can start war. ”
Relations between China and the United States have deteriorated under President Trump for a number of reasons, including Covid-19 handling, trade and human rights.
In China, more than 300 separate bills have been drafted by both Democrats and Republicans targeting China, and in key statements addressing the catastrophe. Hong Kong And Xinjiang enjoyed full bilateral support. The most potentially effective law, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which Trump only reluctantly signed, was co-sponsored by Republicans. Marco Rubio And Democrat Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
Chinese foreign policy experts say they expect tensions between the United States and China to continue under Biden’s presidency.
Several times during the election campaign, Biden slammed Xi for calling Xi a “thug.”
His campaign also signaled that he would speak out against his repressive policies in China’s far western region of Xinjiang.
Wang said China was committed to defending its sovereignty and hoped that the next US administration would be “halfway to China.”

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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