Location data received by the smartphone is sold to the Pentagon

Location data received by the smartphone is sold to the Pentagon

US military agency has data for millions of users

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Sputnik – According to the memo sent to a senator, the military agency DIA is purchasing location data from those collected by the smartphone app without a warrant.

US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) analysts, a Pentagon department specializing in military intelligenceInformation revealed in a Memorandum Democratic Senator Ron Wyden was sent unclassified.

According to the document, the DIA searched for commercial databases that had information on the movements of US citizens under five separate investigations over the past two-and-a-half years, In advance o New York Times.

The agency, whose primary mission is to detect threats to U.S. troops stationed around the world, appears to have procured location data that specifically concerns the investigation of foreigners abroad.

The agency revealed in the memo that it purchased information from Private data And that data was not analyzed on the basis that smartphone users were in the U.S. Lives in or abroad.

Data brokers are private companies that collect and sell personal information, including users’ locations.

The memo reads, “Permission to consult equipment location data for authorized purposes has been granted five times in the last two and a half years.”

These companies pay Cellphone application manufacturer And for websites to get the information, they can then group the data and sell it to anyone, including the government, who is willing to pay.

The memo states that the DIA is not bound by the 2018 ruling issued by the US Supreme Court, which requires the government to obtain a court order before forcing phone companies to give location data to their customers.

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“Does not explain DIA’s decision [caso] Carpenter seeks a court order that supports the purchase or use of commercially available data for intelligence purposes, ”the document reads.

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