London inaugurates the world’s first transparent pool suspended between two buildings; see photos

London inaugurates the world’s first transparent pool suspended between two buildings;  see photos

25 meters long and 3 meters deep, this structure stores 375 tons of water 35 meters high and overlooks the iconic points of the English capital.

Disclosure Ecoworld BallymoreThe transparent structure of the Sky Pool is the result of significant advances in technologies over the past decade “, said the president of the enterprise

The world’s first transparent pool suspended between two buildings will open London 19 May next. Named Sky Pool, a structure capable of holding 375 tons of water, calls itself the first of its kind in the world. Being 25 meters long and three meters deep, it allows swimming between two skyscrapers to a height equal to the tenth floor of skyscrapers, including apartments, shops, offices, bars and restaurants. From there, suspended 35 meters above the ground, visitors will be able to enjoy some icons of the English capital, such as the seat of Parliament and the London Eye Ferris Wheel. In an interview with the British tabloid Daily Mail. The complex’s president, Sean Mullian, said the idea of ​​the pool arose from a “desire to cross the limits of capacity for construction and engineering”. “Sky Pool’s transparent structure is the result of significant advances in technology over the past decade. The pool experience will be truly unique, it will be like we are floating in the air in central London, ”he said. See photos of the project:

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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