Mario Draghi agrees to act as Italy’s Prime Minister

Mario Draghi agrees to act as Italy’s Prime Minister

With wide support from various Italian political regions, Mario drew This Friday (12) officially accepted the invitation to nominate a new government cabinet and assume the office of Prime Minister Italy.

The announcement was made after Drewi’s meeting with the chairman Sergio Matarella – Which is responsible for authorizing and inviting names to form the Italian government according to the proportionality of the Parliament. During the conversation, the economist announced that he was Ready to form coalition government And explain who your ministers will be.

Italy is only a few steps away from forming a new government

2 minutes Italy is only a few steps away from forming a new government

Italy is only a few steps away from forming a new government

The 5-Star Movement – which has the largest parliamentary bench – launched a vote today to decide whether it supports a cabinet led by former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.

At the age of 73, Puli was already the president of the European Central Bank and is considered one of the most respected figures in Italian politics (Read further about the career of the new Prime Minister of Italy). Nicknamed “Super Mario”, his name was indicated as a possible solution with potential traffic and good approval among most major political parties.

President Mattarella was drawn to mobilize the new government, to organize the new government, due to a breakdown with Giuseppe Conte’s mandate on the economy and the conduct of the epidemic. The new ministry should also have ministers from key parties and people with technical profiles.

Mario drew on February 3, 2021 – Photo: Yara Nardi / Reuters

Puli relied on the party’s support with the largest participation in Parliament, the 5 Star Movement – a centrist brief that stands against the traditional Italian political class. With the support of the group, the former chairman of the European Central Bank received support from left to right from various areas of the country’s politics.

Puli’s experience in fighting crises has fueled consensus in the name of the new Prime Minister. In Europe, economists are seen as the president of the European Central Bank who saved the euro. This earned him the nickname “Super Mario” in the hall and, in political news, aligned with the video game’s character with an Italian revolutionary.

Drachi graduated in economics at the University of Rome’s La Sapinja and earned a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States. In 1991, he took over as director general of the Treasury in Italy.

Outside of Italy’s usual political clashes, Pulis will now be in evidence at the time of the crisis in the country: one of the European countries most affected by the Kovid-19 epidemic was from Italy, and the new prime minister believes that Will leave austerity policies with increasing indebtedness.

Italy is expected to receive a € 200 billion (R $ 1.2 trillion) aid fund from the European Union, and the parties want to be part of the coalition government for some decision-making power over the use of that money.

The new Prime Minister also said that he should form a ministry for green change. It fulfills one of the requirements of the European Commission to combat climate change.

However, the priority would be vaccination programs against Kovid-19. About 93,000 people died in Italy due to the disease.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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