Obama says Trump is “jealous of Covid’s media coverage” because he mocks the epidemic response

Obama says Trump is “jealous of Covid’s media coverage” because he mocks the epidemic response

“What’s his argument?” That people are too focused on Kovid. He said this at one of his rallies. ‘Covid. Kovid Kovid, ‘he complains. He is jealous of Covid’s media coverage, “said the former president.

He took the administration and Mr. Trump personally to respond to the epidemic that has now claimed the lives of 225,000 Americans.

“Can’t you think of anything you’re doing differently?” Mr. Obama asked. “Like, maybe you shouldn’t have gone on TV and suggested we could inject bleach to cure covid?”

He also called Trump’s inability to handle coronavirus on the scale of the executive branch: “I lived in the White House … you know, it’s a controlled environment. There are some preventative measures you can take in the White House to prevent getting sick. Except this guy can’t do that. He has turned the White House into a hot zone. ”

Just a week before election day, Obama is working as a surrogate for a campaign in a state that the Democratic Party feels it has come to terms with in 2020.

“We cannot be happy. We were happy last time – look what happened – not this time, not in this election, “he said.

At a drive-in rally in Orlando for former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris, Obama urged Florida voters to plan for early voting.

The former president did not shy away from criticizing Mr. Trump or his administration: “The Florida man will not do anything about it. Why would we accept it from the president of the United States?”

Touching on foreign policy and citing Mr. Trump’s catastrophe 60 minutes In an interview, Mr. Obama said his successor cannot stand up to dictatorships when he thinks Leslie Stahl is a bully.

“Yesterday, he said that Putin of Russia, Xi Xi of China and Kim Jong Un of North Korea wanted him to win. Mr. Obama said. “Because you’re giving them everything they’ve been wanting for the last four years, of course they want you to win! That’s not a good thing! ”

He added: ‘You shouldn’t brag that some of our great opponents think they’ll be better off with you in the office! Of course they do! What does it say about you ?! ‘

Mr. Obama’s speech was covered live by all major news networks.

The president himself responded by referring to Mr. Trump’s “secret Chinese bank account” and the fact that he paid more than 7 750 in taxes in China, which he allegedly paid in the United States.

“Now Fox News is playing the role of a fake speech for Obama’s mob, the man she could hardly agree with because she couldn’t believe he won. In addition, I offer millions of dollars in taxes, “Mr. Trump tweeted.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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