Pope asks journalists to wear “soles”

Pope asks journalists to wear “soles”

Hey Pope francisco He asked reporters this Saturday (23) to take to the streets, talk to people and visit the place where the news is produced, rather than in the newsroom behind a screen.

“The crisis in the publishing sector can be caused by information in front of computers, in front of computers, in agencies’ terminals, on social networks, without ever going out on the street, wearing shoes, without shoes.” To find the stories “, the Pope said in a message issued by the Vatican on the occasion of World Communications Day on 16 May.

Referring to the Gospels, where Jesus says to his first disciples “come and see,” the Pope considered that “journalism, as a reality report, requires the ability to go where one is not going”.

It is “a curiosity, an openness, a passion. Thank you for the courage and commitment of so many professionals. (Today) we know, for example (…) many abuses and injustice against the poor (…) .) Many Forgotten Wars have been told, “added Francisco.

According to Pope, “countless realities on the planet, even more so in this time of epidemic, invite the world of communication to ‘go and see’.”

Francisco, who has on many occasions invited the pastor to get out of his bubble and take to the streets, has had to abandon all his travels since the epidemic began and is currently scheduled to travel to Iraq in March is.

“It has also become apparent to all the risks of uncontrolled media. We have long explored how easy it is to manipulate news and images”, giving journalists and the public “more communication skills, insights and a more mature sense of responsibility “Invited for.

Due to sciatica, Pope Francis has postponed his traditional reception from the international diplomatic corps scheduled for Monday, and the two will not join the gathering, Vatican spokesman Mateo Bruni also announced on Saturday.

However, Bruni indicated in a statement that the pontiff would recite the Angelus Prayer on Sunday, which would be done by television broadcast from his private library due to the coronovirus epidemic.

The 84-year-old pope has already been forced to cancel participation in two ceremonies on 31 December and 1 January, due to the same sciatica, an evil that has troubled the pontiff for many years.

The Argentine pope was vaccinated ten days earlier against Kovid-19, considered to be at risk: at the age of 21, in 1957, he suffered an acute haemorrhage and surgeons had to remove part of his right lung .

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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