Portugal opens the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge; See PHOTOS and VIDEO | world

Portugal opens the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge;  See PHOTOS and VIDEO |  world

Hugo Xavier became one of the first people to cross the cross The longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world, When it opened on Thursday (30) in northern Portugal, near its small hometown of Aroca.

“Oh… there we go!” 42-year-old Xavier said, as he dared to walk down the 516-meter-long transparent metal railing walkway. He was accompanied by his companions (equally stressed) and tour guides.

Hidden among the mountains filled with rocks and covered with green leaves and yellow flowers within the Oroka Geopark, the bridge is 175 meters above the fast river Paiwa.

The landscape is calm, but the crossing is not for people with weak nerves. Supported by steel cables and two huge towers on each side, it vibrates slightly with each step.

People cross the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge ‘516 Aroca’, now open to local residents of northern Portugal on April 29, 2021.

People cross the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge ‘516 Aroca’, now open to local residents of northern Portugal on April 29, 2021.

People cross the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge ‘516 Aroca’, now open to local residents of northern Portugal on April 29, 2021.

“I was a little scared, but it was really worth it,” Xavier said, relieved at the other end. “It was extraordinary, a unique experience, an adrenaline rush”.

The bridge was opened to locals only on the first day, but as of Monday (3) one can schedule an itinerary.

The residents expect the attraction, which It cost about $ 2.8 million (over $ 15 million) and took about two years to build., Helps revive the region, especially after the devastating Kovid-19 pandemic.

“This is a breath of fresh air for our land, as it will attract more investment, more people,” Emanuel said, adding that the region is aging rapidly as many youngsters move to larger cities. “This will bring a new dynamic to Arouca”.

People cross the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge ‘516 Aroca’, now open to local residents of northern Portugal on April 29, 2021.

People cross the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge ‘516 Aroca’, now open to local residents of northern Portugal on April 29, 2021.

People cross the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge ‘516 Aroca’, now open to local residents of northern Portugal on April 29, 2021.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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