PT asks Justice to take out video about Riccio on Canal de Brasilia

At the request of PT-PR (Directorate of Partido dos Trabalhadores, Paraná), that state’s electoral justice ordered the removal of the video “Assemblía de Chores in Curitiba” from the Brasília channel, noting that the content contained “directed” crimes. Against Roberto Ricquio” – PT’s former candidate for state government; negative early electoral campaigns against Ricquio, in addition to suggesting the possibility of fraud in the electoral system as an alternative to PT’s return to power.

Regarding the facts listed, journalist Alfredo Beso – responsible for the content of the Canal de Brasília on Youtube – reiterated that “PT and Requião are subject to many questions regarding their conduct”.

Regarding questions about the electronic electoral process, Alfredo stressed that he “has always been critical of electronic voting machines” and that he is not alone in his questions, according to a recent report by federal deputy Erica Koke (PT-DF). Recalling a post saying that Bolsonaro’s election in 2018 was possible only because of fraud.

“You mean Erica can be suspicious and other people can’t?”, said the journalist.

More than ever, it is necessary to support conservative channels and places, as a battlefield against the crusade of silence that the leftists are trying to implement in Brazil, “as it happens in all countries where It comes to power – Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, China, Hong Kong, North Korea, Bolivia, Honduras, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, Chile and others”, concluded Alfredo Beso.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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