Roberto Justus rejects O Aprendiz’s comeback and reveals new project on TV

Roberto Justus rejects O Aprendiz’s comeback and reveals new project on TV

The host Roberto Justus It turns out that it will not have a new season The learner In 2021. In an interview with the program Panic, On this Tuesday (18th date), the businessman reported that he was drafting a new project whose main objective would be to offer jobs on television.

“The Apprentice is not coming back this year. We have a new project that has a lot of potential to come out that I will just name. Business is a job now, so I don’t want to do a job, I want to hire. So here comes the contractor, ”said the communicator on the attraction of Jovem Paan Radio.

Justus explained that he does not consider it favorable to hold an event in times of this epidemic in which people are expelled. In his opinion, the interesting thing is to forget the slogan “You are fired” and place bets on the phrase “You are hired”. However, he is still looking for a way to wind up the production.

“It is a different format that we are trying to make possible, but it is a very big chance to be on TV. It is a very different project, I will give many jobs on television ”, he commented. He did not say if any broadcasters were supporting the project.

The Apprentice debuted on the band in 2019 and despite not having a good audience, managed to make a good impact on the social network and gained a large number of sponsors. At the end of the program’s last season, Roberto Justus stated that there would be a version for 2020. However, due to the new coronavirus epidemic, Production ended up being delayed.

The learner

The Apprentice debuted on record, as already stated, in 2004, with one season per year as of 2014. After the first three, following the original format, Reality started innovating in other editions and presenting the news, as it did in 2019.

There were two sessions with the society, two with university students, one with entrepreneurs, another with the return of former contestants and one with celebrities. In addition to Roberto Justus, the current governor of São Paulo, João Doria Jr., ordered the attraction in 2010 and 2011.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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